Harry Styles Imagine. Excert.

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-“Are you done already? If you stay there, we can maybe be ready for the concert tonight. HURRY UP!” Harry pounds on the bathroom door.

I let the last curl slide from the curling iron. I look to the half that’s already been curled. Nothing. My hair just went flat. It didn’t curl. Well, didn’t last long enough for the hairspray treatment.

-“UGH, I am not going.” I say with exasperation I have never thought I’d feel over my hair.

-“Come on, open the door, let me in. Maybe I can help.” Harry nicely says from behind the door.

-“No, you can’t. It’s hopeless, I have blue unwillingly hair.” I say opening the door to find Harry about to kiss the floor.

-“Your hair is adorable. I like it better this way. It looks more natural.” Harry says as he regains his equilibrium.

-“You’re saying this because you’re my boyfriend and that’s your duty, it came in the terms and conditions. Plus, I’d cut you if you said anything bad.” I reply looking at my reflexion in the mirror. One other UGH, then I brush my hair.

-“Babe, you look adorable. I’m not saying this because you’re my girlfriend, but because it is true. I swear. Scoot’s honor.” Harry says bringing me to his chest.

-“Decent enough to be your date at a fashion show?” I peek at him through my lashes. How can I be good enough, I mean, look at him, then look at me.

-“You could be wearing a meat dress, and you’d still be more than decent to be with me. I’m actually the one who is making efforts to be enough for you. You’re perfect. You really are. Just let’s go, they will love you, just like they always do.” Harry says kissing my forehead.

-“You just want to get going because we’re late, don’t you?” I say on his chest.

-“Yes, now let’s go. You look great. You really do.” Harry says taking the brush from my hand and putting it on the sink’s side.

I grab my handbag, stand tall, push my shoulders back, raise my head, and look at Harry saying “Let’s do this.”

The ride wasn’t that animated, my will was getting thin by the minute, and so was my confidence. I knock my fingers together, playing with my ring and twisting my hands. Harry noticing that, takes my hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. With few encouraging words we arrive in the alley. A valley comes to open my door, while the other takes Harry’s keys. Harry is by my side in the second taking my hand in his.

-“Smile, I got your back, try to have fun.” He whispers in my ear, putting a soft kiss under it making me a bit at ease. Let’s do this. I plaster a smile on my figure and walk next to Harry towards the press. Great, let the party begin, a sadist voice nags at me. Oh shut up, I reply venomously.

-“Right here, right here” Was shouted at us from the photographers, Harry turns us towards them, we pose, pink coloring my cheeks. Then we come close with the reporters.

-“Harry, Jojo, it is really nice to see you here, you both look stunning.” A nice woman say, but my flirt detected something.

-“Thank you very much.” Harry say and I mumble faking shyness to disguise the ting of jealousy towards the lady.

-“So, are you looking forward to see Cara? She will be modeling today as I’ve head.” The woman asks.

-“I’m sure she’ll be great, like always.” Harry says smiling, but I felt him go rigid when he heard her name. I don’t think I’d have detected that if I wasn’t holding his hand. Cara, I’ve heard that name before. I know her, Oh. That Cara?

-“See you later.” Harry says before directing us towards another reporter.

-“Lovely seeing you, how’s tour been?” The man greets us.

-“It’s been great mate, now, we’re working on our new album here in London.” Harry replies pleasantly.

-“Any details on when it’ll be out by any chance?” The reporter asks.

-“Soon. That’s all you’re getting today.” Harry replies mysteriously.

-“Jojo, everybody loves your outfit. Who are you wearing today?” The man asks, I frown a bit, and reply saying the first thing I thought of.

-“This meatsuit is actually mine, I’ve had it since I was born, it kept on changing. Now it looks like this.” As the words flow on my lips, I regret them, he was asking about my clothes, damn it.

-“I’m glad to hear that, I was about to shout ‘Cristo’ at you.” The reporter replies laughing. Oh right, laugh at the newbie.

-“Wouldn’t you have looked just stupid?” I reply smiling.

-“I would, but a man can never be sure of anything in front of a woman with your beauty.” The reporter replies winking.

-“A Supernatural fan AND a sweet talker, you have a good game going on.” I reply to him laughing.

-“What’s Supernatural?” Harry asks looking confused and the slightest delighted.

-“Dear Lord, I have to re-educate you, boyfriend.” I gasp at him then shake my head.

-“It was lovely talking to you mate, have a nice day.” Harry says goodbye to the reporter before getting out of the crowd taking me to what I suspected was where he’s meet Nick.

We greet him, giving him a hug and a kiss and we head to our places in the showroom. And guess what, we were first row. Sweet. Grimmy was right behind us, so we kept chatting and gossiping about everybody that was in the room. It must be good to have Nick as a friend, in less than half an hour, I was well debriefed. We turn around when the music starts and the light dim. It’s about to start. Goodie goodie.

I never have thought I’d enjoy this much sitting and watching pretty models model. The clothes were amazing. I kept snatching pictures after I caught the lady in front of us doing the same. Harry would always come with a funny comment on how the hair looked or anything really making me giggle and hide my face in his coat so I wouldn’t be loud. I’d find myself multiple times following a model with my eyes, either trying to understand what she or he was wearing or mesmerized by the beauty of the clothing. Either ways, I stared. But I guess that was the thing about fashion shows, make people stare.

We were sat in there for what feels like seconds when it all ended, the only thing that tipped us to think it was longer was my growling stomach. Harry laughed at me when my tummy decided to play the song of its people. And we hurried to get his car to grab some food before I pass away. Grimmy told us goodbye before we hop and run towards one of Harry’s favorite restaurant.

We were quickly sat in a table, no need for reservation whatsoever. It was pretty fancy and I kind of felt out of place, but it looked suitable after being in a front row of a fashion show. I guess. I ordered a filet mignon while Harry took some fish. In the middle of the meal, Harry dropped the fish and stole from my plate. I didn’t mind because it was way too much for me to eat alone. When it was time for desert, Harry made me chose. I obviously went with my heart and chose a soufflé au chocolat. Pretty boy ordered the same saying that I was an expert in desert, which, very humbly, I am.

Instead of going back to the showroom, I convinced Harry on taking a nap. HE was all in, and I was very much relieved that he was. I’ve had my dose of cameras for the day.


Posted by hellomychild

(A/N); This is originally from the story: Me, Harry Styles and a gift from God. Chapter 76. CHeck it out if you like! :)

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