Your relationship goes public

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Niall : You and Niall began dating when One Direction stopped at your hometown last month as apart of their tour.  You were lucky enough to meet the boys but you and Niall had a really special connection.  You spent the entire two days he was in your town together and have kept your relationship really quiet since it’s mostly been over skype.  But One Direction was going to be playing just two hours away from your town and Niall really wanted you to go.  They were spending a week there so you and Niall would have plenty of time together.  That’s when pictures began surfacing on twitter.  Fans had camped out in the town all week and saw your every move with Niall.  All over twitter were pictures of Niall and “mystery girl”.  Finally someone had figured out who you were, you went from 200 hundred twitter followers to 200k in just two days.  Your mentions were filled with, “are you and niall dating?” “i’m gonna kill u if your with niall.”  “just tell us if your dating niall already” “(y/n) is probably just a groupie.”  You ignored all of them.  You didn’t want to give anything away, although the hundred of pictures of you and Niall holding hands probably already gave it away.  “(Y/N), I think we should come out with our relationship.”  Niall told you.  “I’m going press tomorrow and I know everyone is going to ask about you and I don’t want to lie.  We’ve been dating for over a month, and our relationship is serious. But if your not ready, we don’t have to.”  He took your hand.  Everyone pretty much knew already.  What’s the harm?  “Okay.  Let’s tell the media.”  You kissed Niall.  The next day, Niall was doing an interview with Ryan Seacrest. “Niall, there are all kinds of rumors about you and this girl, I believe her name is (Y/N).  What’s going on there?”  Ryan asked him.  “Yeah, I met her a little while ago at a concert and we’ve been dating ever since.” He told him.  “So you are officially off the market.”  Ryan confirmed.  “I am off the market.”  Niall laughed.  “You heard it here first, directioners, sorry to break your heart but Niall Horan is in a relationship!”  Ryan announced on the radio.

Liam : You and Liam had been dating for a couple months now.  But you recently made it official.  You even started staying over at his apartment.  Yesterday, Sugarscape posted a new article about how Liam Payne was in a relationship.  Both of you had no idea how they found out, as you hadn’t really told anyone.  They still didn’t have your name or anything but they knew you existed, Liam’s girlfriend.   Twitter was exploding with rumors of who this new girl could be.  Everyone assumed she was famous, people were predicting Leona Lewis or Cher Lloyd.  That night you felt Liam get out of bed.  You called in an early night, it was only 11, so he must have not been able to sleep.  You remained half asleep on the bed.  All of a sudden you heard Liam start talking.  “Hey guys.  How are you?”  He said.  What was going on?”  You got up to see who he was speaking to and you realized you had just walked in to his twitcam.  Luckily it was only your legs being showed.  Liam turned the camera so it couldn’t see you.  The chat erupted with, “IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?”  Liam told the viewers he’d be right back and you both went in to the bedroom for a second.  “Sorry to wake you.”  He apologized.  “No, it’s fine.  Sorry to walk in to the twitcam, it’s probably caused a commotion with all the rumors going around.”  Liam took your hand.  “Why don’t you join the twitcam?  I can introduce you to the fans.”  He smiled.  He was so adorable you couldn’t say no.  He was giddy when you agreed and you both went and sat on the couch with his laptop on his lap.  He wrapped one arm around you, “Guys, this is my girlfriend (Y/N).”  He smiled proudly.  “Hello.”  You said shyly.  You looked over to the chat box to see what everyone was saying.  A lot were nice comments but some were awful.  “Hey,” Liam turned you head to look at him.  “don’t read that stuff.  It’s stupid.”  He said.  then he looked back to the camera.  “I trust none of you are sending anything rude, I will just go offline if people are being hateful.”  He warned.  Liam turned on some music and the two of you answered questions for hours on end.  By the end of the night you had won most of the fans over, #directionerslove(y/n) was even trending on twitter.

Harry : Ever since you were seen going in to One Direction’s hotel there were all kinds of rumors as to who you were.  People suspected you were dating either Niall or Harry since Zayn, Louis and Liam all had girlfriends.  You were shocked how directioners were able to find out your full name, age, where you were from, and your family members.  They were like the freaking FBI. Your name had been trending on twitter because everyone was asking who you were.  You didn’t really reply to anyone because you didn’t want to add fuel to the fire.  But when the stalked your followers list, they found that Harry followed you.  So they’d drawn the conclusion that you and Harry were dating.  “Harry, they know like everything about me. You don’t think they’re going to come to my house or anything, right?”  You asked Harry.  “Babe don’t worry.  They just want to know whats going on.  Maybe we should tell them.”  He suggested.  “You think it would help?”  You asked.  He shrugged, “We wouldn’t have to hide anymore.”  He pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of you and him.  “What are you doing?”  You asked.  He began typing in to his phone.  “Check twitter.”  He told you.  One your timeline was a tweet from Harry with a link to his instragram.  “@(Y/T/N) girlfriendstagram”

Louis : You were browsing the Internet when you came across an article, “Louis Tomlinson’s Secret Relationship.”  You decided to click on it.  "Louis Tomlinson of One Direction has been seeing a fan he met a couple months ago.  A source says the couple is quite serious but has kept it under wraps.  It is unclear who the girl is but don’t worry One Direction Fans, they won’t be able to keep it a secret forever!"   How did they know? Before you exited out, Louis walked in.  “I was just reading that.” He told you.  “Who is this source?”  You slammed the laptop shut.  Louis laughed.  “Come here.”  He pulled you in for a hug.  “Now that its out there, we might as well not hide. Why don’t we go to lunch?”  He asked you.  “Okay.”  You told him.  It would be nice to leave the apartment.  You quickly went to change your clothes. “We’re going public!”  Louis said excitedly as he took your hand.  You headed for the door.  Once you got into town, there were paparazzi everywhere.  It made your uncomfortable but Louis held you tight.  You got the the restaurant safely. Inside a couple fans approached Louis for a photo.  “Will you come in too?”  One girl asked you.  “Uh, sure.”  You smiled.  The girl stood between you and Louis, but you felt Louis’ hand on your bum, making you smile.  “You’re really pretty.”  The girl told you.  “Thanks, you too.”  She smiled at the compliment.  “What’s your name?”  She asked you.  “This is my girlfriend, (Y/N).”  Louis jumped in a kissed you on the cheek.  “It’s nice to meet you.”  You told the girl.  Louis hugged her goodbye and she walked away screaming.  After your date, you headed back to the apartment and you checked twitter.  You noticed a mention from Louis.  “great day in London with @(y/t/n). :)”  Immediately your mentions blew up, and you gained so many followers.  One mention stood out because it had a link to a picture.  You clicked on the photo and it was you, Louis and the fan you met earlier.  You RTed the tweet and followed the girl.  Fans loved you already. 

Zayn : “I noticed there were some girls here today.”  The interviewer said to the boys.  You were watching from backstage with Danielle and Eleanor.  “I know Louis and Liam have girlfriends, Eleanor and Danielle.  So who was the third girl?”  The interviewer asked.  The crowd started gasping.  “That’s my girlfriend, (Y/N).”  Zayn admitted.  The crowd gasped even more.  “Wow, this is news!  You’ve decided to go public!”  The interviewer said.  “Yeah.”  He smiled.  “So how long have you been dating?”  He asked.  “It’s a pretty new relationship, just a few weeks.”  “Can we bring her out here?” The interviewer asked.  The crowd cheered.  The other boys started laughing and Zayn smiled awkwardly.  Your face turned red backstage.  “If she’s okay with it.”  Zayn told the crowd.  The producer came up to you and asked if you would go out there.  “Go ahead!”  Eleanor smiled.  “If you don’t do it, the fans are going to think you are stuck up.  It won’t be that bad.”  Danielle pushed you out there.  Zayn stood up to greet you with a hug, “I’m sorry about this,” he whispered.  He pulled you on to his lap and the crowd awed.  The interviewer asked you and Zayn a bunch of questions, you were awkward at first but then you got more comfortable. Luckily, a commercial break saved you and you were able to head backstage


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