"I need her" (Part 2)

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Louis: Harry and Niall had picked her up from the airport two days later, having called her the day of his breakdown. As they dodged fans and paparazzi, rushing to the hotel, a familiarly rude cameraman stepped in front of them, “oh this one, bet you’re real proud of that faggot boyfriend of yours hmm?” he scoffed. Her eyes were blazon with anger as she stepped up, face to face with him, and he shrunk back despite her small frame. “Don’t you fucking dare, say one word about my Louis I swear to-” she began to threaten, as Niall and Harry dragged her away, hushing her accusing words. “he needs you now, don’t waste your time with that bastard” Niall murmurs and she nods, shaking her head as the lift takes them to their room. “Louis” Harry says as they enter the room, but Louis remains fixated on the couch, not moving, not speaking. “Lou…” she coos, and at the sound of her gentle voice, Louis’ head snaps towards the door, and then he is up and flying across the room, pulling her into a tight embrace, burying his face in the crook of her neck and letting out the held in tears, falling to his knees with her soon following. “sh you’re okay, god I love you so much, it’s okay. I’m here now” she cooed, and he nodded sighing gratefully as she pressed her lips to his temple, rubbing reassuring circles on his back, “and don’t you ever let anyone tell you, you’re not good enough, because you’re so so talented and I’m more proud of you everyday”

Harry: The concert ended, not as eventfully or enthusiastically, but it ended. Harry came tearing off the stage, calling a taxi and booking the next flight home. After a long flight of sulking and restless sleep, the plane landed and he took a seat on a bench outside the airport. He rang her phone, asking her to come pick him up. Having watched the concert on livestream last night, she knew he would be upset at himself, but she had no idea what had caused his breakdown, so she rushed off to the airport. Pulling into the pickup area, she eyed the passing crowd, seeing a glint of that curly hair from under a blue hoodie on a nearby bench. Leaving the engine running, she dashed towards him and he looked up just in time to see her and he got up, gratefully grabbing her body as she tossed herself into his arms. “Harry, what’s wrong baby? What happened?” she asks, sitting beside him on the bench, running fingers through his hair as he let his head drop into her lap. “I n-need you, I can’t do it anymore, I miss you so much and-” he began, cut off by a choked sob. “I’m awful, I messed up the whole concert I don’t even know-” he started rambling, but she knew exactly where he self-berating words would lead, so she cut him off with gentle lips pressed against his. His head spun, his words being cut off and forgotten and as she pulled away she whispered a soft, “hey, it’s over and I still think you’re the most talented performer ever, and I love you and you’re here, so let’s make the most of it”

Niall: After a lot of heated argument, Niall finally agreed to see her, to get her back no matter what it took. So he stood on her doorstep, trembling in his place as he hesitantly rang the doorbell. The door flew open and she sighed, but his breath caught, forgetting how beautiful she was, how much he loved her. “Niall, I’m really not in the moo-” she sighed, beginning to shut the door, but he caught the door handle and in this movement, her gaze landed on his bloodied hands, then up to his bloodshot eyes and pale pallor. “Please just listen, please” he choked out desperately. She nodded, suddenly trapped by him just like she always had been, she was stuck, she was in love and no matter how hard she tried, it wasn’t going away. “I didn’t cheat, I’m not with a new girl, none of that is true, none of it. I know you may not know what it’s like to live like this but it’s my job, and sometimes it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me but a lot of the time, I hate it. Because it does things like this. Making you hate me, but I swear you’re the only one I love, the only one I’ll ever love and I-I… I need you” he choked out, tears slipping down his cheeks at an alarming rate, and her hand automatically reached up to wipe them away. “I don’t hate you, I love you, I’ve always loved you”

Zayn: A stupid fight is what had torn them apart, and she knew it just as well as he did. When the boys showed up at her flat about a month after they split, she knew he’d come around. “Zayn, we’ve got someone to see you” Louis sang a few weeks later. “Shove off” Zayn mumbled from the couch. Louis rolled his eyes, leading her into the room and she chuckled a bit, “hey babe” His head shook, annoyed, “quit it Louis that’s not funny” he growled. She sighed, and walked over into his view, “for godsake Zayn, do you really think Louis could imitate this?” she giggled, gesturing towards herself sassily. “Oh my god” Zayn mumbled, tossing himself into her embrace. “I’m so sorry” he choked out and she extracted herself from his limbs to shake her head, “No, I’m sorry, it’s my fault this stupid argument started in the first place. If I wasn’t being childish, none of this would’ve ever happened” He shook his head slowly, pulling her body back against his whispering, “just forget about it, I’m just so glad you’re back, god you’re back” he exclaimed, “I love you, I love you I love you, please never leave again. Sometimes it’s all just too much, and sure I love the boys but they don’t know how to keep me calm like you do”

Liam: Being the responsible one in the band, Liam had moved on from his little breakdown and carried on with the next few days as he usually would, if not a little more melancholically. So when she arrived at their concert a couple days later, he didn’t expect it at all. She sat in the front row, smiling the whole time and every once in a while he caught her eye but shook his head at the thought that it was really her. As the concert ended, Zayn had her escorted backstage by security, and she stood right offstage, right in Liam’s path as he jogged off, with a fake smile plastered on his face. She cleared her throat audibly and he looked up, eyes widening and a genuine grin ripping across his features. “(Y/N)!” he exclaims, closing the space between them and trapping her smiling lips in a passionate kiss that made both of them forget where they were. “Liam” she breaths against his lips, wrapping her arms behind his neck and hugging him tightly, “the boys told me all about your little outburst, and to be honest, I’m sorry I missed it because in my head, it sounds really really hot” she teases, brushing her lips against his cheek. “don’t talk about it” he grumbles playfully, before pulling her body back against his and murmuring into her hair, “only for you”


Posted by  http://dumblingar.tumblr.com/writing

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