Happy Ending by Mika

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‘Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life

Can’t get no love without sacrifice.’

He wakes up in the morning, to the sound of her tiny voice as she contently chatters to herself in words that don’t make sense to adults. He swallows thickly every morning, every morning is the same. He gets out of bed, doing a few stretches and looking around his childhood room. He couldn’t bare it after you left, he couldn’t stay there, too many memories. His mother offered for him to move back home and he accepted, needing comfort of family after what had happened. He gave most of his things away to charity, the mattress you shared, his clothes, your clothes and belongings. Everything you had left your touch on was gone. Every day he turned his head to look to what would have been your side of the bed, if you had even slept on this one. You weren’t there though, you never would be but he still looked because he felt like you were there. His daughter sensed he was awake and began babbling louder, probably telling her daddy to come say good morning in some jumbled up baby language. That’s exactly what he did, walked over to the cot and picked his tiny daughter up in his arms, holding her close to him. She smiled as he did, mirroring his actions. It took him everything he could not to cry. She looked just like you but just like him too and he knew, everyone knew, she was going to grow up into a beautiful young lady. For now though she was his baby girl, and she was a constant reminder that you can’t have love without sacrifice and the sacrifice for your beautiful baby girl, was you. Your daughter would never know how brave her mummy was in those last moments, making the decision to tell the doctors to save your baby girl you had fought so hard to keep, instead of saving your own life. He believed you still looked over the both of you every day though, that thought was what kept him going and he was slowly trying to get his life back on track. Of course it was hard without you, it was so hard every day but he did it all for his little baby girl.


‘This is the way you left me,

I’m not pretending.

No hope, no love, no glory,

No Happy Ending.’

Liam saw no point in pretending he was okay because he did spend time on twitter and tumblr, he knew that the fans, paparazzi, his family and friends and everyone else knew he wasn’t okay. The whole world knew he wasn’t okay after the break up so why should he pretend to be for one person’s benefit? Not that it was easy for you either; you had to live with your decision to leave the love of your life every day. It just wasn’t working out for either of you. Your relationship had become incredibly rocky towards the end, rumours and accusations flying around along with harsh words and things you both wished you could take back. It was too late for all that though, the relationship had been shattered to pieces and Liam along with it. He had to learn the hard way that there isn’t always a happy ending when it came to relationships and giving one person your all. He was left broken, just as you were but he couldn’t help feel all these weird emotions towards you. One minute he’d be angry at his friends for bringing you up and then he’d be angry at you for walking out. Then his mind would wonder to thoughts of how you were doing and whether or not you were already dating someone else. He didn’t know how he felt about anything so he tried to distance himself from everything and everyone but it didn’t work. His friends and family cared too much about him and always appeared places to check on him.

“Liam it’s time to get up!” Zayn called out as he let himself into his best friend’s flat. He made his way upstairs and frowned when he saw the mound of his curled up body, still hiding under the duvet. “The world isn’t against you mate, we’re all with you and we have stuff to do so you gotta get up yeah?” Zayn tried to help, yanking the covers off Liam. He groaned reluctantly but got up anyway. He knew that it would get better, but for now he was quite alright with wallowing in his own self-pity for days on end but no one else was having that. Not that he minded, as much as he grumbled, it did feel nice sometimes to know that people genuinely cared about him. As much as he wished you would talk to him, he knew it was for the best and that one day maybe you would but it would be far into the future, once both of you were in happy relationships and ready to admit yours wasn’t going to work.

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