a night with your newborn

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Posted by ; bringthepaayne

Harry: so it's not really the night, but it's the morning following one of the more exhausting nights of your life. your daughter has been home for about a week now and you have to admit, you're absolutely exhausted. you love being a mom and you can't get enough of your new baby girl, but you're dead tired. and Harry notices. so, Saturday morning, when you start to roll out of bed (after a night full of feedings and diaper changes) when she starts crying, Harry pulls your shoulder back down onto the bed, kisses your forehead, and rolls out himself. "I'll get her, love. get some more sleep, yeah?" you can't help but smile sleepily at him and roll over, desperate for maybe just one more hour. you wake up a little while later to see that you've actually slept for three more, and you feel absolutely refreshed. and the house smells like pancakes. you pad down to the kitchen dressed in your pj pants and one of Harry's sweaters and find him standing at the stove, flipping pancakes while your newborn daughter sleeps in the carrier strapped to his chest. "good morning, my love!" he cheers, leaning over to kiss you. he sets his spatula down and looks down at your daughter. "d'you wanna say good morning to Mummy, baby girl?" your baby girl yawns and a tiny smile pulls at her mouth. you gasp and kiss her forehead. "good morning, my angel."

Liam: you had been warned it would be hard, having twin boys the first time you had kids, and you and Liam were up to the challenge. the first night you brought them home, you felt prepared. you had more than enough diapers, onesies, bottles, and wipes. you knew exactly what to do to feed them. you knew how to get them to sleep. you were set. the problem was everything changed now that you were at home instead of the hospital. one of the twins would be asleep, and the other would start crying, which would wake up the one that was sleeping, and then they would both be crying. and after three hours of non-stop crying, you felt like wailing a bit yourself. just as tired as you, Liam took both your sons and laid them on the bed in front of them, each of them latching tiny fingers around one of his bigger ones, staring up at their daddy. "now, listen up, boys," he said in a fake-stern tone. "you mum and I would like it very much if the two of you would stop crying and get some rest because we love you very much and we would really like to get some sleep too. d'you think you could manage that?" you almost laughed when one of the twins nodded off almost instantly, and you scooped the other into your arms, laying him on your chest where he fell asleep as quickly as his brother. you looked at Liam. "brilliant. you are absolutely brilliant."

Louis: she starts wailing in the middle of the night, and it's probably the sixth or seventh time she's started crying. you fed her and changed her diaper maybe an hour ago, so you know it must be something else. "oh god, what if she's having night terrors, Lou?" you croak out, pushing back the covers. "stay, love. I got it," he replies, pushing you back into bed and padding out of your bedroom. her cries stop a few seconds after he leaves and you settle back against your pillow, knowing that Louis got her. you're about to fall back asleep when you hear something beautiful floating through the house. unable to resist, you clamber out of bed and make the short trip to your daughter's nursery, hanging in the doorway. he's standing there in the room, your daughter with her head on his shoulder, swaying softly in the moonlight flooding through the window. and he's singing softly to her. "isn't she lovely / isn't she wonderful / isn't she precious / less than one minute old / I never thought through love we'd be making one as lovely as she / but isn't she lovely made from love." you watch as your daughter's eyes slip closed and her mouth parts in a tiny "o". "she's asleep, Lou," you whisper as he meets your eyes. "thought she might be. Harry said it would work." he lays her back in her crib and tiptoes out of the room. "c'mon, love. I'll sing you to sleep, too."

Niall: the night was not fun, at all. your son was screaming his head off all night to the point that you and Niall were taking hour shifts holding him in the living room because holding him was the only thing that would keep him quiet, and the living room was the only place in the house where the other wouldn't be able to hear if he started crying again. four o'clock rolls around and you open your eyes, bleary and still incredibly tired. but you realize you've been sleeping since two, and Niall isn't in bed, and your baby boy isn't in the bassinet you have set up in your bedroom. your mommy-senses switch into overdrive and you kick back the covers, scouring the top floor of the house. you pad down the stairs and into the living room. you almost laugh when you see the two of them, Niall completely asleep in the reclining chair in the living room, your son curled up on his chest with a blanket over the two of him. the tv is still on, playing some rerun of an old sitcom, and you figure Niall must've fallen asleep the last time you two switched. you feel wide awake now anyway, so you put a hand on Niall's cheek, tapping him lightly until he wakes up. he opens his eyes slowly. "go back to sleep, love, I got him." you scoop your son off his chest and head to your spot on the couch. "you go to bed, Ni; it's my turn." he doesn't even go upstairs, he just falls back asleep on the chair.

Zayn: Zayn was gone for a week, so it was just you and your baby girl in the house by yourself. that meant minimal sleep for you, an empty bed when you did get some sleep, and Zayn texting you constantly, making sure you were okay. once he gets home, he pulls you and your daughter into his arms and refuses to let go for a good hour. bedtime rolls around quicker than anticipated and unable to resist the temptation of leaving your daughter in Zayn's more-than-capable hands, you feed her, change her diaper, and hand her over. then, painfully excited to do so, you roll over and fall asleep in about a minute and a half, hearing Zayn's chuckle as you do. you wake up about five hours later and Zayn's still awake, sitting up against the headboard with your daughter asleep on his chest, running a hand up and down her tiny back. "you know, I think we did it," he says, looking over at you, speaking as though he sensed you were awake. you scrunch the pillow under your head and look at him, smiling. "did what, Z?" he grins. "I think we made the most beautiful baby in the entire world. I mean, you did. I just did the one thing. but just look at her! she's so gorgeous." you lean up and over to kiss her tiny cheek and then Zayn's. "she's very pretty," you whisper, "just like her daddy." he chuckles and runs a hand through your hair. "you're not so bad yourself."

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