You have a bad dream - Liam & Harry

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Liam: Before you went to bed you and Liam had watched a scary movie. To him it wasn’t scary but to you it was, because it had clowns in it. “Liam, can we watch something happy now please??” You ask shaking. He shakes his head laughing at you. “No babe. Its time to sleep c’mon” he said picking you up and bringing you to the bed. Once Liam had gotten in he brought you close to him and fell asleep instantly. You laid there wide awake listening to every noise possible. You had finally fallen asleep when you had a nightmare of a clown chasing you with a bloody knife. Right when the clown was about to take your life you sprang awake causing Liam to do the same. “You have been screaming for an hour and now you wake up. I am never letting you watch scary movies again.” Liam said pulling you down to rest on his chest. Your breathing decreased enough to speak. “Li, could you sing for me?” You asked with hope laced in your voice. “Course Y/N” he smiled. You nestled your head into his chest and listen to Liam start to sing Summer Love. Your favorite song.

Harry: Harry wasn’t home yet. He had gone out to some club with his friends. He’s been avoiding you every chance he got and you didn’t understand why. Were you to clingy? Did he just not love you anymore? Those thoughts bounced around your head constantly with no way out. You sighed and flipped over facing where Harry usually slept. You frowned finally deciding to fall asleep. You were having a bad dream were you walked into a club and saw Harry snogging another woman. He turned and saw you with that all to famous smirk played on his lips. “Y/N its not- no forget it. It is what it looks like. I’m dumping you. Your just not the right image for me” he said turning around to continue snogging her. You burst into tears. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N wake up!” You faintly heard. You woke up to a soaked pillow. You turned to see a concerned Harry. You cried harder. “H-Harry are you cheating on me?” You cried. Pain struck his face knowing he was the cause of your tears. He brought you into his arms. “No no no no babe. I would never cheat on such a beautiful girl. I love you. Your mine and I’m yours, always and forever.” He said while laying you down. He kept rubbing small circles into your back while naming off all the things he loves about you


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