Coming Home From Tour

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Niall: Another year of aging. 19 years old. Was it even necessary to be excited about turning 19. ‘What’s so special about turning 19?’ You ask yourself. It’s not like anything exciting happens at that age. It was exciting to be celebrating it with your family and friends but you wanted nothing more than to have your boyfriend there with you. It was just too bad that he was away on tour. You definitely missed Niall a lot. It had been how many months since you had last seen him. And you couldn’t help but feel sad about the fact that this was the first time since you two had been together that he would be missing your birthday. It was finally time for cake so everyone surrounded you as they began to sing ‘happy birthday’. You knew exactly what you wanted to wish you so when they had set the cake down in front of you, you were ready to say your whisper. ‘I wish that Niall would be home soon.’ You said to yourself. 

"I hope I didn’t miss the birthday girl making her wish!" You gasped as you recognized the voice. It couldn’t be. 

He couldn’t be home when the tour wasn’t done yet. Turning around in your seat to find the person, your eyes finally connect with his and a smile begins to form on your face. Getting up from your seat, you rush to wrap your arms around him as he hugs you back. 

"You’re home!" You whisper feeling tears rush down your face.

 ”I wouldn’t miss your birthday for anything. Happy birthday, [y/n]!” He said kissing you. 

Zayn: It was definitely way too early to even be at the airport. Or maybe that was just how you felt. You felt a little tug on your hand and you looked down at the smiling boy. 

"Where’s daddy?" Your two year old asked. 

"He’s almost here." You responded.

 The excitement in your son’s eyes definitely made the fact that your boyfriend being there would be more real. You hear the sound of your son’s feet tapping a sign that meant he was becoming impatient. That was definitely a trait that he had inherited from his father. You smiled down at your son. He had been waiting four months to see his father. Another few minutes passed by and people had finally started to appear to come out. You felt your heart beginning to flutter. You watched as people continued to pass you by and then you saw him. A tired look on his face as he dragged his luggage behind him. Bending down to be the same height as your son, you point him in the direction of where Zayn was. You watched as your son’s face lit up before he rushed over to his father stopping him in his track. Zayn smiled at the sight of the little child before he stopped his luggage and scooped his son into his arm. 

Looking up, Zayn saw you standing a few feet away from them. He gathered his belongs and held his son close before walking over to you. 

"Hi baby." He whispered giving you a kiss on the lips. 

"Hi." You whisper against his lips. 

"I’ve missed you both." Zayn said. 

"We’ve missed you too. Welcome home, baby." You said taking his luggage and dragging it. 

Zayn reached for your hand and held you close to him as your family headed home. 

Harry: Staring at the clock in the classroom, you couldn’t exactly wait for class to be over. It was time for winter break and you most definitely needed it. It was your second year of being in college and you were already feeling burnt out. Plus it didn’t help at all that your boyfriend had been traveling the world rather than spending time with you. But you understood the situation because after all that was all your boyfriend ever wanted to do. He only wanted to perform and who were you to tell him that he couldn’t do that. But the excitement was getting to you. He was finally going to be home and so were you. This was the first time that you guys were going to see each other in a little over six months since you had started school. The only thing that had kept you sane was being able to Skype or even FaceTime with him. 

Once the instructor had said that class was dismissed, you quickly packed your belongings and headed home. All you wanted to do was be with your boyfriend at his place and stay in his arms. A few minutes later, you managed to get the front door open and smiled as you saw his shoes in the front door. 

"There’s my girl!" You heard him say as he appeared in front of you. 

You quickly dropped your book bag and rushed to hug him. He wrapped his arms around you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 

"I’ve missed you, [y/n]!" He whispered.

 ”I missed you too, Harry.” You whispered back kissing him. 

Liam: You’d just gotten back from the doctor’s office with some pretty surprising news. You and Liam were expecting. There was a little baby in your stomach. Walking up to the bedroom that you shared with your boyfriend, you still couldn’t believe that you were pregnant. The baby had to have been conceived while you were visiting him on tour. You two had gotten so caught up in the moment that you had forgotten to use protection. But you were more so even afraid to even consider giving the baby up. You wanted to love the baby just as any mother would. Looking at the mirror and lifting your shirt up, it became real. The small baby bump that was beginning to form put a little smile on your face. Baby Payne was all you could think of as you. You wondered what the baby would look like or what their interest would be. You were so caught up in the moment that you never even heard the front door open. Nor did you even realize Liam was standing against the doorframe watching as you placed your hands on the baby bump. And before you knew it, you jumped at the sudden contact of feeling Liam’s hands over yours. Looking up at him, you didn’t know what to say. 

"Are you… pre…pregnant?" Was all Liam could ask as you nodded your head, "And the child is mine?" 

"Of course the child is yours, Liam. I’ve only been with you for what almost two years." You said as he chuckled. 

"I’m sorry, babe. I’m just in shock." Liam said still staring at the baby bump.

"Well welcome home, babe! You’re gonna be a daddy!" You say as Liam smiles.

"Thank you, [y/n]!" Liam says kissing your forehead before bending down to kiss your stomach, "Hi little one, I can’t wait to meet you soon." 

Louis: It had been the same routine for you the past couple of months since Louis had gone on the Take Me Home Tour. Wake up, get dressed for school, go to school, eat, do homework, work, home, eat, sleep. With the exception that some days Louis and you would speak to each other. And for today, all you really wanted to do was sleep. It had been a really long day for you. To add on to that you hadn’t spoken to your boyfriend in how many days. Both of your schedules had been so horrible. You both had been so busy with everything that your relationship seemed fall apart in some ways. Most nights all you really wanted was for him to be there and tell you that everything was going to be okay. But he wasn’t there. He was so far away that you had to learn to cope with this stress on your own. But you definitely wanted him with you today. You needed him. 

Switching into your pyjamas, you go through with your nightly routine. Changing, brushing your teeth, then double checking the house. Once you feel like you had completed everything, you head back into your room and begin to crawl into bed. Setting your alarm, you consider texting Louis but you feel it may be either way too late or even way too early to be texting him. Or what if he was just about to get back on stage? Or was his tour done already? You weren’t even sure yourself. You simply text him, “Heading to bed, babe. Love you.” 

Setting your phone down on the nightstand, you close your eyes and slowly fall asleep. Within seconds, you’re knocked out in bed and never hear the front door open. Louis locks up the front door before heading upstairs where he finds your sound asleep. Stripping out of his clothes, he slips under the covers and pulls you close to him before placing kisses all over your neck. “I’m home, beautiful.” He whispered against your ear as your eyes flutter open and you quickly roll over to hug him. “I missed you, Lou.” You say giving him a quick kiss. “I missed you too, [y/n]. Let’s get some sleep and we can hang out tomorrow.” He says as he holds you close.


Posted by om1dfanfics

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