while he's away

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Published by; bringthepaayne

Harry: he's only been away for a few days, but you miss him already. You miss the presence he has around the flat, his lumbering frame taking up all the space in bed and the smell of his cooking in the kitchen. You've had takeout every night he's been gone, and the coffee table is littered with containers of chow mien and orange chicken. You contemplate calling him, but you had talked to him earlier in the day, and he'd mentioned he had an interview to do, so you know you better leave him be and maybe call him before bed. There's an old movie playing on TV and you can't help but think how much he would like it. You start flipping through your phone, deciding to look through the pictures for whatever reason, and you see there's a video you don't remember taking there, Harry's face as the still frame, smiling. Confused, you click on it and the video starts, showing Harry sitting on the couch you're on now, maneuvering your phone so it stays upright while he speaks. Once it's positioned right, he sits back, grinning. "There we go." He looks directly into the camera and you feel your heart leap. "Hello, love! I know I'm probably not home right now; that's probably why you're watching this. You must miss me...I know I'm very miss-able..." He laughs at his own joke and you have to laugh along with him, the phone shaking a bit in your hand. "I'm sure you miss me, baby, but there's no way it's as much as I miss you. You're in the shower right now and I miss you! I just wanted to make this video to make you smile and remind you how much I love you and that I'm gonna be home very, very soon, so you can have your way with me if you're patient!" He winks at the camera and you giggle, biting your lip. "So go have a little fun, yeah? Go see a movie or go to the bookstore or get a coffee or see your girlfriends. Something, alright? I miss and love you more than anything in the world. Bye!"

Liam: "Well, how was your day?" you say into your phone, twirling a piece of hair around your finger, yawning into the speaker. It's late, but where Liam is, it's the middle of the day, so you're awake trying to have a conversation with him, but so far, you've yawned about six times and told him you loved him about ten. He chuckles back at you and you smile, settling deeper into your nest of pillows, surrounded by the scent of Liam. "My day is going pretty good so far, babe. How about you? What'd you get up to?" You shrug, then realize that you're on the phone and mumble out a noncommittal response. "Eh, it was okay. Cleaned up a bit, stole one of your sweaters, watched a movie, missed you like crazy, ordered dinner. The usual." You can almost feel his grin through the phone. "Missed me like crazy, huh?" There's a tone to his voice that makes you realize he's up to no good and you want to roll your eyes. "Yes, Li, I missed you like crazy. Can't stop thinking about you." You sigh and silently wish he was there with you to sing you to sleep or rub your achy muscles. He's been away for a good three weeks now, and it's starting to get to you. "I can't stop thinking about you either, baby." You're about to reply when you hear a knock at your front door. You groan and shuffle out from under the blankets. "Hold on, Li. There's someone at the door. Who on earth is knocking on the door at this hour?" He just chuckles into the phone as you flip the lock, pulling the door open to reveal a very smiley Liam, who shoves his phone into his pocket as you toss yours over your shoulder and launch yourself at him, kissing him full on the mouth. When you pull away, you grab his face in your hands, not entirely sure if this is real or a dream. "What are you doing here!?" you exclaim after a minute. "You're supposed to be halfway around the world!" His hands fall to your hips and he drags you against him, kissing you again. "I had to see my best girl," he whispers against your lips, making you smile wider. "I missed you too much. So...surprise!"

Louis: you're not much for cheesy romantic stuff, but when it comes to Louis, absolutely anything he does has you completely and utterly in love with him, even more than you already are. He's been on tour for two months now, and you've seen him twice in those two months, once when he came home for your birthday and once when you flew out to see him and the boys play and spent his day off with him. When he's not doing a show or interview and you're not at school or work, you two are usually on the phone, just chatting about anything and everything. He drops hints about the present he got you from California and you tease him with a vivid description of the lingerie you bought at the mall. If you're not on the phone, you're text him, skyping with him, or having a Twitter war with him. It's all very cute and adorable, but you miss him to bits. And when you miss him, you usually end up in his clothes. And that's exactly what happens; you're cuddled up in bed wearing a pair of his basketball shorts and his old red hoodie, watching reruns of The O.C. and thinking about calling him. Instead, you go to text him and see that you have a message from him already. "What are you doing right now? xx." You grin and type back a reply. "Watching TV in bed, wearing your clothes." His reply is almost instant. "The red hoodie?" Now you're confused so you dial his number. "Are you wearing the red hoodie?" he says by way of hello, making you laugh. "Yes...why?" "Do me a favour?" he asks. "Anything, Lou." You pull his hoodie closer to your body. "Check the pockets." Now you're confused. "What? The pockets?" "Yes, love. Check the pockets." You do as he says and come up with a piece of paper folded a few times over. You want to roll your eyes when you see your name printed on the front, little doodled hearts all around. "Louis..." "Just read it!" he chirps. "Love you!" He hangs up, leaving you with your now unfolded note. "To my baby girl," it reads. "I love you more than I can say and there's no one better for me than you! Please don't ever go away, because in your heart I'd like to stay."

Niall: it's a normal Saturday. Okay, well it's not that normal, because if it was, you and Niall would probably be out grocery shopping or wandering around the mall or driving somewhere for dinner or something. But you're not, because Niall is halfway around the world, playing shows and doing what he loves. He's been gone for a little over three months now. You miss him to pieces, but you know he's doing what he loves, so you're sucking it up for him. And he knows you are, but he also knows that you're holding back how much you miss him. Because when he calls you, you have to hang up before you've even squeaked out a goodbye because it feels like you're going to burst into tears, and you don't want Ni to hear because you don't want him feeling guilty. So you hold back, and stick to texting mostly, trying to keep the subject light and off the topic of how much you wish he'd just come home already. Somehow, he's roped you into a skype call, and you know as soon as his face appears on your computer screen that this isn't going to end well. There are already tears in your eyes and your throat is getting thick. "How's my princess doin'?" he asks through the speaker, his voice light a chipper. "I'm good, Ni. How're you, babe?" He beams at you. "Great! I miss you loads though...Wish you were here to cuddle with me an' all." And that does it. In a matter of second you're weeping, feeling your eyes get puffy and your shoulders shaking with sobs. "Babe, wha's the matter?" you hear Niall ask, but just shake your head. He manages to talk you down after a while and you force yourself to hang up when he says goodnight. In the morning, there's a knock at the door and a delivery man on the other side with a beautiful bouquet of roses addressed to you with a note from Niall: chin up, princess, I'll be home before you know it! Love you, xx

Zayn: when Zayn misses you, he gets miserable. To the point where all the boys notice and you get mass text messages from all of them begging you to fly out to wherever they are to comfort your boyfriend, promising to arrange your flights and everything if you'll just come. And of course, you agree. You and Zayn have been apart for almost six weeks and it's starting to get to you just as much as it's getting to him. You've snapped at your roommate six times in the last two days and cried your eyes at one of those silly Lifetime movies that you would usually scoff at. You miss him, and you need to see him. So when Liam emails you your ticket to London, you pack in a matter of minutes, calling into work that something important has come up and you'll be gone for the week. Your manager understands and by the next day, you're in Heathrow Airport, Liam waiting for you in the terminal with a beaming smile and Paul by his side. "He hasn't shut up about you since we left, basically," Liam explains to you in the car to Zayn's house. "He misses you a lot, Y/N." You sniff and tug at your seatbelt. "I miss him a lot, too." As soon as the car pulls into the driveway, you've got yourself unbuckled and are darting up to his front door, knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell until you can hear his angry footsteps on the other side. "What the bloody hell do you want?!" he exclaims as he opens the door, then freezes when he sees you on the other side. "Y/N?" You throw your arms around his neck, squeezing him tight. "Surprise," you whisper in his ear and his arms slide around you, pulling you closer to him, pressing his face into your neck and inhaling deeply. "You're here," he drawls, kissing any piece of your skin he can get his lips on. "You're really here." You giggle and kiss his nose, rubbing your thumb along his cheek. "I'm really here, Z."

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