Childish boys.

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Harry: "Give it back!" He wailed, pounding his fists to the sides of his thighs like he were taken back and was five years old again. "Never!" You called out, running to the other side of the table and grinning wickedly because you knew there was no way he'd be able to catch you now. "But I'm going to be late," Harry complained, resting his palms against the table top with his eyebrows furrowed. "Let's make a deal, yeah?" Carefully, he took a step to the left. "Give me back the beanie and I'll.. I'll give you this shirt, instead! Smells just the same, yeah? It will keep you warm too. I just. My hair's all fucked up and I can't walk out there without something on and I don't want anything else and I just want it back." You rolled your eyes, teasingly fingering at the rim of the beanie in your hands. "Oh please, Haz," you snorted. "Your hair's not fucked up. You could have cotton candy stuck in it and people would still fawn over you." Harry rolled his eyes at your dramatization, quickly stepping around the table and trapping you between his arms with your back against the kitchen counter. Damn those long legs. "Hate you," he grumbled, snatching the beanie from your hands before carefully curling his fingers around your hips and tugging your waist against his. "Yeah?" You mused, coiling your arms around his neck and purposely tilting your head up so your breath hit his licked lips. "So, so much," Harry murmured, his lips giving you a small quirk of a smile before latching onto your own.

Liam: With widened eyes, Liam dropped the six cards that were sheltered behind his careful fingers. "Did you just cheat?" His lips parted enough to match the shocked expression that clouded his brown eyes. Grinning, you innocently shrugged your shoulders, fingers gathering the pile of cards before you began shuffling them again. "I can't play Go Fish with you if you're going to cheat like that." Liam shook his head disapprovingly before tutting, "Once a cheater, always a cheater." Rolling your eyes, you grumbled, "Oh please, Li. You're acting like a child. I didn't even cheat - you just lost." His arms collapsed from their crossed position over his chest, Liam's jaw fully dropping with it. "What?!" He sputtered. "I am not acting like a child! I'm just trying to have a fair game here and I can't do that if you're peeking under cards! How do you expect me to win when you're doing that?" Expressing your faux shock with a dropped jaw similar to his own and widened eyes, you exclaimed, "I did not peek at the cards! I'm offended by your accusation, Mr. Payne." Cringing at the name choice, Liam recrossed his arms before grumbling, "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!? It's weird!" Gathering the cards between your fingers, you lazily shrugged your shoulders before passing out the first couple. You made sure to keep your chin tucked to your chest, your fallen hair masking the small - and guilty - smile that spread along your lips.

Louis: "But I don't wanna watch this," he retorted, crossing his arms over his chest before sinking himself further into the chair. "I wanted to watch The Purge! That one looked funner and better. I don't wanna watch a stupid kid movie." Pursing your lips, you turned your head enough to see Louis grumble further under his breath before tipping the brim of his hat forward so it shaded his eyes. "Really? Because you're acting like a kid, so I think this movie's perfect for you," you teased, poking an index finger at his ribs. Louis was quick to swat your hand away, sticking his tongue out of his mouth which he then quickly pulled back after realizing it wasn't helping his case any. "I hadn't even watched the first one!" He offered to change the subject, his voice entirely doused with complaint. "How am I to know what's going on in this one?" Holding the bucket of popcorn out to him, Louis simply waved a hand and shook his head. Again, you rolled your eyes to which the corners of his mouth twitched upward only slightly. "Maybe if you asked nicely, we could be watching the other movie. 'Sides, this movie isn't, like, directly related to the first. It doesn't really matter whether you've seen that one or not." Shuffling closer to you, Louis leaned all his weight on the arm rest between you two, jutting his lower lip out and widening his surprisingly still very blue eyes under this dim light. "May we please sneak out and see the Purge? It'd make me very happy and I'd love you very much. Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry and sprinkles on top?"

Niall: Giving his shoulder another nudge, you groaned with annoyance at the lack of self proclaimed movement he made. "Niall," you whined, bouncing the soles of your feet against the carpeted floor. "Niall, get up. We have to get up and leave in, like, an hour. Hurry up. You still have to shower and get dressed and eat breakfast. Get up and go shower, Niall. Now! Please?" Shaking his shoulders more violently this time around, you made sure to louden your voice while dragging out the next syllables. "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiialll, geeeeet uuuup!" Finally showing some form of life, Niall rolled himself over so he laid with his face pressed against the pillow on the other side of the bed. You were quick to shuffle over, your hands barely having enough time to fall to his shoulders before he was moaning out, "But I don't wanna get up." Huffing out a cloud of hot air, you crossed your arms over your chest. "Niall James Horan, I swear on everything slightly entertaining in your life, if you don't get up and shower right this instant then I promise I'm never gonna talk to you again." Niall lifted his head at the threat, eyes barely opened with the dubious amount of sleep still coating them. "You don't mean that," he deadpanned, voice rough and tired. "Just come back to bed, yeah? Ten more minutes. Cuddle me and I'll feel better enough to shower then. I promise. And can we have cookies and milk for breakfast too? I'll get up faster then." Rolling your eyes, you slid back into bed and huddled closer to the warmth of his side.

Zayn: "Cotton candy, cotton candy, cotton candy," he sung out, bobbing his head from side to side before pulling your tied hands up to kiss at your knuckles. "I love cotton candy." Squeezing his palm, you bit back the smile that threatened to splash across your face as you shook your head. After a bag of caramel popcorn, three churros in a row, and the largest size of Pepsi, Zayn was having a bit of a sugar rush. "I hope they give me a bag that has a lot more of the blue one. It's my favourite after all," he noted, nodding his head at you like it were useful information you may or may not be tested on later in the day. "I wonder why they don't have bags for only blue cotton candy. Why don't they have only blue cotton candy, babe?" You simply shrugged your shoulders, keeping your pace fast enough to get you where you needed to go but slow enough with the hopes of the sugar rush withering away before Zayn reenergized himself. "Oh, caramel apples!" He exclaimed, eyes widening as his body turned and he unintentionally dragged you in the opposite direction you were originally headed. "Can we get one of these too? Look at how yummy they look. Oh god, there's one with sprinkles on it! I need to have it. I want the one with sprinkles on it." Chuckling at the wild grin on Zayn's face, you gave his hand a short pull. "Babe, what about the cotton candy?" He cocked his head to the side, folding his lower lip between his teeth before asking with a tone that made it sound like it were the most obvious thing in the world, "Well, can't we get both?"


Posted by bcobear

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