Going Public

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 Going Public

Niall: After management found out that you and Niall had been dating for 4 months, they told both of you to keep it a secret. You saw nothing wrong with it, but Niall on the other hand seemed a bit mad because he wanted to tell the whole world you were his. It was the first concert of their world tour, and you agreed to go but pretend to be a fan. Just before they started you sent Niall a text saying, "Good luck babe, hope you and the boys smash it tonight, Love you xx." A few minutes later you got a text from Niall also. “Thanks babe. I got a surprise for you, Love you too xx”. Everything was going perfect until they got to the twitter questions. You thought Niall was going to tell the fans about you but you were happy he didn’t. After they were done Niall began to talk. "I’d like to dedicate this next song to a beautiful girl that’s in the crowd tonight. You know who you are. Love you babe." Fans started to look for that girl who has you. Soon all the fans knew Niall was talking about you and he ended up telling everyone despite what management had told him.

Harry: It was another boring day, you and Harry didn’t go out much and if you did you had to go separately. Even though you had been going out for almost 5 months. You decided to not go public because you didn’t want to get hate for dating Harry Styles. You had been watch randoms things on the TV until Harry got the idea of baking some brownies. "I wish everyone could see how amazing you are." "Maybe when can tell your fans soon okay," you say giving him a kiss. After you placed the batter in the oven Harry excused himself. You were checking your twitter when you saw Harry tweeted a picture and tagged you. You read the caption, "@y/t/n Hope they taste as good and they look. Love you babe xxx." You were lucky you had been siting down, you were surprised Harry tweeted a picture of you. "I couldn’t resist the urge to do it. Hopefully they can see how much i love you and hopefully they can respect you. But if they do otherwise I just want you to know I’ll be her my your side." You were happy that Harry would be by your side no matter what happens.

Liam: You and Liam had been dating for almost 7 months but to everyone you both were just close friends. You both agreed not to go public until you both felt right about it. Liam had just gotten home from a promotional tour and you went to visit him. You were making him dinner when you turned on the radio and started dancing; but what you didn’t know was that he was doing a twitcam to thank the fans for everything. You stop dancing and singing when you heard Liam laughing and you noticed everyone was watching you dance and sing. “And that guys was my lovely girlfriend, wasn’t she great.” Your faced dropped because everyone now knew you were Liam’s girlfriend, he had said it in front of more than 100,000 viewers. "Sorry babe but they were dying to know who was singing and I had to show them, I hope you’re not mad at me." "Of course not," you say as you sit next to him and spend the rest of the evening answering questions from fans.

Louis: You and Louis had been best friends for maybe 5 years. Shortly after he came back from tour he asked out. Nobody knew you and him were going out. Not even management. When you both would go out there would be some fans that would say "You guys should go out, you make a lovely couple." "Louis, it looks like if you too are dating." You would start laughing because you two have been going out for almost 3 months. You both talked about making it official but for now you both had fun in hearing people’s opinions. The boys had an interview with Alan Carr and of course you accompanied them, but you went as "Louis’ friend". Up to now he hadn’t asked about girlfriends, deep down you were nervous Louis might say he’s dating you. "So are any of you single?" Alan asked. Both Niall and Harry raised their hands but Louis didn’t along with Liam and Zayn. He finally told everyone you had been dating for almost 4 months. Some fans were surprised while others expected it since they thought you made a cute couple.

Zayn: It has been 8 months since you and Zayn have been going out, but not publicly. You were fine with it, you and Zayn didn’t like the media attention so you and agreed to not go public anytime soon. He had already met your family and he thought it was about time you meet the Malik family. After having a nice family dinner you got to know all of his family. They made you feel at home and you didn’t want to leave but you both promised your parents you’d be home before 11pm. After saying bye to everyone you and Zayn stepped out of his home in Bradford only to be surrounded by flashing cameras. One paparazzi said "Zayn, is this your new girlfriend," some said very rude things until Zayn snapped. "I don’t appreciate you saying those things to my GIRLFRIEND, yes she’s my girlfriend and i expect you to respect her." After both of you got home he said. "I’m sorry everyone knows about us, but I wasn’t going to let them say those horrible things about you." "Don’t worry Zayn sooner or later they were going to find out, I’m just happy everyone knows that you are no longer single," you say before kissing him.


Published by malikzapper

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