"Cuddle Me In"

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Harry: Sunday morning light creeps through your window slowly, waking you both up in the other’s arms with shy smiles and warm touches, nothing but a simple “good morning” said between the two of you while you lay on your sides and his hand runs down your side while you play with his hair. It’s a moment he almost doesn’t believe is happening, that someone so perfect is real and cuddled in his arms, and he never wants to let it go

Niall: He can’t always be the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky kid who always has a smile on his face and a song on his lips, sometimes he gets tired and a little lost also, and he needs you to cuddle him in and thread your fingers through his hair, to let him relax in your arms until he’s back to his old self and holding you tight, smothering you with kisses and all of his love, promising that you’ll always be the one he comes to when he needs someone to be there for him.

Zayn: His chest rises and falls underneath your cheek, its rhythm slowing down and becoming even, threatening to pull you into the depths of sleep at any moment, but you force yourself to stay awake so this moment doesn’t slip by, this perfect moment when it’s cold outside but warm in his arms, when the rest of the world is wild and uncontrollable but everything is simple as you listen to the other breathe, everything is right when you’re just together.

Liam: He knows he can’t control what others say, those things he wishes he could always protect you from, but knows that realistically he can’t, especially when he’s trying to be strong for himself as well. He worries everyday that it’ll become too much and he’ll lose you, but somehow at the end of the day you’re still there, wrapping your arms around him tightly as he cuddles you in, burying you under the covers with him where he knows no one can hurt you.

Louis: Arms wrap around you and you feel yourself being pulled into a warm and gentle embrace, soft words soothing you out of your nightmare until your eyes are open, looking up into Louis’. He’s relieved to see you awake, dropping a kiss to your forehead and doing his best to tell you that you’re safe with him, but it’s in the way he wraps himself around you that proves this, how he seems to take away all of your fears by just cuddling you in.


Posted by hipstafancy

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