Little Things

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Little Things


You and Zayn laid side by side on the bed you both shared. He laced his fingers with yours, holding your intertwined hands up in front of the both of you. He beams at this, and smiles as you kiss his cheek.
"Your hand fits mine perfectly." he says happily. "Like it was made just for me." He kisses your lips turning to face you. You loved being with him, laying in bed just relaxing. Spending time with him was your favorite thing to do.
Zayn loved everything about you. He would never stop reminding you. He always talked about how he loved the freckles that spread across your cheeks, and he always made new constellations with them using his finger. You watched his eyes move along with them smiling. His concentration was adorable and you grabbed his hand away kissing it.
You never understood why he chose you to love. At times you could be confusing and send mixed messages. Sometimes you could have your mood swings, and have your feelings all over the place. Zayn always assured you that he loved you no matter what.
"It all makes sense to me." He grins. "We were really meant to be." he says, "I love you and all your little things." He finishes before kissing your face again.

“Delete that picture!” You yell at Liam playfully, tackling him onto the couch and grabbing his phone. “You know I hate the crinkles by my eyes.” You sigh deleting the picture he had previously snapped of you.
"Come on." He sighs. "I love them. You’re beautiful with them."
"I wish I could get rid of them." You mumble. "Along with my stomach and my thighs." you sigh leaning away from him. You didn’t want compliments, you didn’t expect Liam to say anything. You were just feeling down about yourself lately.
"Y/N! Seriously?" He asks, suddenly angry. "That’s enough."
"I’m sorry Liam." you say softly, looking down you felt guilty getting him upset.
"Come here." He says taking your hand and practically dragging you up the stairs with him. He made you stand in front of the huge mirror in your bed room. You looked down at the floor and sighed. "Now look." He says quietly. "Y/N!" he says
"Okay!" You laugh a little, nervously. You look up at the reflection of you and Liam and you smile for a moment, but you don’t like what you see about yourself.
"You see that girl in the mirror, Y/N?" He says. "I love her. Every single thing about her." He says. "Your crinkles by your eyes. Your stomach. Your thighs. Even the dimples at the bottom of your spine." He turns you to face him. "I love every thing about you. I will love all those things endlessly." He says making your eyes tear up. He kisses your lips, cupping your face in his big hands. No one made you feel the way he did. He loved you and all your little things.

Louis had finally gotten home after running out to buy your favorite tea from the only supermarket open at twelve in the morning. He even made it for you, knowing you couldn’t sleep without it. You sat up in bed reading your favorite book when he came upstairs teacup and saucer in hand.
"Thank you!" You say excited to see him, he knew how to make you happy and that was for sure.
"Anything for you, my love." He says handing you the tea and kissing your forehead. "I made it just the way you like it." he smiled and watched as you took your first sip, nodding in approval.
"It’s perfect." you say with a smile.
"I’m off to take a shower, don’t fall asleep with tea on your lap again." he laughs walking to the shower.
When he gets done and makes his way to bed you’ve already fallen asleep. He shakes his head laughing slightly, and turning off the light on your side of the bed. He already hears you start to mumble in your dreams. He smiles sliding into bed under the covers with you. You immediately roll into his arms, like you always did. He holds you tight as you continue to have a full conversation and Louis can’t stop listening. He always did. Even though it never made sense to him, he would listen all night smiling. It was one of the many little things he loved about you.


"Come on, say hi to vine for me!" Harry is trying to get you to talk to his phone.
"Hi vine!" You say sticking out your tongue making a silly face.
"There we go." He smiles, and it plays over. You cringe at your voice.
"I hate it, can I just wave." you roll your eyes, and Harry kisses your lips.
"Nope, I love your voice." He kisses you again, wrapping his arms around your waist. You squirm out of it standing up, your jeans were feeling tight today but you loved them.
"We’re not going anywhere right?" You ask and he shakes his head. "good I can change out of these."
He watches as you make your way up the stairs and follows you. He lays on the bed and watches you get changed with amazement. He loved watching you squeeze in and out of your jeans. You put on a more comfortable pair of shorts and one of his t-shirts and climb onto the bed with him. He kissed your forehead, your nose, and then your lips.
"You’re absolutely perfect to me, Y/N." he says staring into your eyes. "I’m in love with you and all of your little things."

Niall: You laid in bed with tears running down your face like rivers. You were reading over the hate you had received from people today. Confirming what you already believed and hated about yourself. “Ugly. Fat. Disgusting. Down-grade Not good enough for him.” You already thought this about yourself and they were confirming it.

You heard the front door open and close, you quickly shut the page you were looking at and tried wiping away the tears you could. You heard him making his way up the stairs and you quickly jumped up to get to a mirror trying to hide that you were crying so much, but he opened the door to find your eyes red and swollen and the streak marks of mascara down your cheeks.
"Princess?" he asked concerned, quickly walking over to you. "What’s going on? What happened? Who did this to you?" he asks cupping your face in his hands.
"I… I just seen some things and I just know they’re true and…" you couldn’t even lie to him.
"What things?!" he asks.
"Just the usual. I’m no model. I’m not pretty. I’m not good enough for you." you start to sob again, and he quickly pulls you in for a hug. Holding you tightly he rocks you back and forth.
"You shouldn’t read those things, they’re all bullshit." He says angrily.
"It’s just I believe it because I think it too." You cry. "I hate feeling like I’m not the right girl for you."
"Well guess what Y/N, you are the perfect girl for me. You’re my girl." He says whispering. "Come on." He nods towards the bathroom. He starts to run a hot bath and puts your favorite bubbles in it. He kisses your forehead and all over your face, before helping you undress and step into the hot water. He runs his hands over your soft hair.
"Niall you’re to great to me, I don’t deserve it." You say sniffling.
"You’ll never love yourself half as much as I love you." He starts to sing. "And you’ll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to." He grabs your hand as you start to smile a weak smile. "If I let you know I’m here for you, maybe you’ll love yourself like I love you." he finishes kissing your lips leaning over the tub.
"Niall I love you." you whisper kissing him, and you start to pull him into the tub, even with his clothes on. He quickly kicks off his shoes, not caring that the water over flows.
"I’m in love with you, and all your little things." He smiles seeing you smile, and kisses your lips again.


Posted by 1dimaginesplus

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