the story of my life...

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Published by: bringthepaayne

Harry: (I spend her love until she's broke) you show him you love him in small ways, and he likes it that way. when you move in together, he asks for love, even though he knows you'd show it anyway. "love, can I have a kiss?" he'll ask suddenly when you two are sitting on the couch watching tv, and you'll just lean over and press your lips to his, running a hand along his jaw and then snuggling into his chest after you break apart. "take a bath with me?" he says after you two have had a long day and you'll just nod, letting him pull you along to the bathroom so you two can sit in the hot water until it gets cold, stealing kisses and talking about your days. "come to bed with me?" he'll whisper after the credits start to roll and your eyes are barely open. he'll scoop you into his arms and put his nose in your neck, inhaling while you drape your arms around his shoulders, letting him carry you off. "play with my hair?" he'll ask when he's had a bad day and the only thing that can comfort him is you. you'll pull his head into your lap and run your finger through his curls, twirling them around your fingers over and over until his tears have stopped and his breathing is back to normal. "will you do something for me?" he asks one day and you smile at him, putting a hand on his cheek. he drops to one knee in front of you and you hold back a gasp. "will you marry me?" he asks, and it's like every question he's ever asked you before that one has been leading up to it, because it only takes a fraction of a second for you to nod, say "yes", and throw your arms around his neck, holding him as close as you can.

Liam: (I drive all night to keep her warm) you only called him because you had no one else to call. you'd only gone to the party with your friend because you wanted to keep an eye on her, but she quickly told you she didn't need you "being her mum" so you decided to take off. but your ride was currently trashed on the couch and you didn't have any money for a cab. so you called Liam. he wasn't your boyfriend, but you'd been friends forever and he cared about you. and sure enough, maybe ten minutes after you hung up the phone, he was barging through the front door of the house the party was at, hands clenched into fists at his sides. "are you okay, Y/N?" he asks, one hand wrapping around your wrist. "Liam, I'm fine. I just need a ride home. that's all." he starts to tug you out the door when a strange arm wraps around you and tries to pull you back. "let her go!" he barks at the drunk boy who clearly thought you were someone else, because he lets go as soon as the words leave Liam's mouth. you try to follow Liam as much as you can to the car in your heels, and he opens the passenger's side door for you. you huddle yourself into the seat, rubbing your hands up and down your arms, trying to warm up. he gets into the driver's seat, glances at you, and automatically shrugs his jacket off, wrapping it around your shoulders. "Li, I'm fine," you start to say, but he shakes his head. it might be the drink you had earlier, but things seem really clear. "you really care, don't you?" you ask, and he nods, running a hand through his hair. something in you shifts and you pull him across the console and kiss him.

Louis: (I give her hope) he catches you staring at your reflection in the mirror, tugging at your skin in hopes of getting it to look like all those other girls. he watches for a second as you pull on the ends of your hair, sniffling sadly. he can't take it anymore so he comes up behind you, pulling your hands away from your body and holding them in his. "stop it," he whispers, dropping his lips to your shoulder. "you're beautiful." you shrink into yourself a little, shoulders slumping a little more. "please, love," he says, kissing the spot where your shoulder meets your neck. "it hurts me to see you like this. you're beautiful. so fucking beautiful." he turns you to face him and puts his arms around you, looking down at your hands on his muscled chest, nails biting ever so slightly into his skin. "you might not look like a super model, but I don't care. you're so pretty and cute and beautiful and sexy, to me. your hair always looks great, whether you've spent an hour curling it or two seconds throwing it up in a bun." he runs a hand through your hair, punctuating his statement. "I love waking up to your pretty face, especially with none of that makeup junk on your face. I get to kiss you good morning and I don't have to taste any of that rubbish." he leans in and presses his lips to yours. "I like the taste of you." his arms tighten around you and your heart swells a little. "I love you, you know that? and I don't want you to ever forget it, because the moment you do is the moment I fail at being your boyfriend. I'm supposed to show you how beautiful you are, right? so let me. and believe me when I tell you." and you do.

Niall: (I take her home) you're drunk. and not just like "oh I'm so tipsy I love everything" drunk. like "lock yourself in the bathroom and throw up a weeks worth of food" drunk. and your friends are worried about you, so they call Niall. the party's in an apartment a floor below the one you share with him, so he's there in a matter of minutes, unlocking and opening the bathroom door and scooping your hair off your neck again just as you spew your guts for the third time. when you're done, he lets you lean against him and gives you a tissue so you can wipe your mouth. "can you stand?" he asks and you nod, a low sigh leaving your lips. he helps you to your feet and slings your arm over his shoulder, putting his arm around your waist to steady you. you pitch forward and he scoops an arm under your legs, carrying you bridal style out of the bathroom and towards the front door. "Ni?" you mumble out, head lolling onto his shoulder. he laughs. "yeah, princess. 's me. whaddaya say to goin' upstairs and gettin' some water and some sleep?" you just nod, making him laugh again and he carries you all the way to the elevator, up to your floor, and into your apartment, only setting you down when you're in your bedroom again. he disappears to get you a tall glass of water and some advil and just laughs under his breath when he comes back to find you slumped on his pillow, one heel off and the other a few feet in front of you. he sets the advil and water on the nightstand and helps you out of your dress and into some pjs. "s'okay," he whispers when you moan out the next morning. "you're home now."

Zayn: (time is frozen) he's got you in his arms and it literally feels like time has completely stopped. nothing else matters except for you and him in that moment. you haven't seen each other in three months and you met him at the airport. you talked obviously, but there was only so much you could say over a phone call or a text message. the second you saw him, it was like a scene out of a movie. you dropped the sign with his name on it and rushed at him, launching yourself into his arms, knowing he'd catch you. you've got his face in your hands and his are holding you up, your legs around his waist. "you're back," you hear yourself whisper, leaning down to press your forehead to his. "yeah, baby," he replies, kissing you once. "I'm back." you stay like that for a while, eyes closed, foreheads together, feeling tears seep into your eyes and trying desperately not to let them fall onto his cheeks. he nudges his nose against yours and then kisses you and you know for sure that every clock has stopped. time doesn't mean anything and it never will because he's back with you. eventually, he lets you down and you hug each other properly, your arms around his shoulders, his around your neck with his nose buried there, inhaling the scent of you as deeply as he can. "come with me next time, okay?" he says into your skin and you just nod. "I can't handle not having you there with me. it hurts." you just keep nodding and he raises his head. you swipe tears from under his eyes with your thumbs and kiss his cheek and then his lips. "I will," you whisper, pulling him against you again.

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