First Meet

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first meet

Harry:you ran into him, quite literally. he was walking one way and you were walking the other, both of you with your heads down, yours buried in a book and his engrossed in his phone screen. you collided on the sidewalk and almost fell over. you would have hit the ground if he hadn't caught you with warm hands and an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry!" he had yelped, gripping your shoulders. you laughed and something in him kind of shifted. he'd never seen anyone as pretty as you and that laugh...he knew he wanted to hear it again. "I'm not usually this careless, I swear." you laughed again and his heart leaped. "it's fine, really," you said, shrugging your shoulders. he shook his head. "I'm still sorry. I'm Harry, by the way." he stuck out his hand you two shook hands. "Y/N." he felt another tug in his chest and he realized he was still holding your hand. "can I take you for a coffee, Y/N?" he asked, your name rolling effortlessly off his tongue. you nodded and he offered you his elbow. as you slipped your arm through his, maybe it was something in the air, but it felt right.

Liam:you and a friend were going to the Justin Timberlake concert and you were so incredibly excited you could barely control yourself. you got all dolled up, headed to a bar an hour before the show, and then made your way over to the venue. sure, you don't have the best seats in the house, but it's /Justin Timberlake/ so you could be sitting on the roof for all you care. when he starts singing Mirrors, you look over to see your friend kissing the guy sitting next to her. he'd been chatting her up since the beginning of the concert and she seemed genuinely interested, so you couldn't be surprised. so you stand there, dancing a little and singing along. you feel a hand on your shoulder suddenly and turn to see a boy standing there with a slicked back mohawk and chocolatey eyes. "would you like to dance with me?" he asks, biting his lip in a way that makes your heart melt. you glance around the stadium to see it full of couples dancing (it's so high school you have to force yourself not to laugh), so you shrug and slip your hand into his. he pulls you close and sways in time with the music. after the song ends, he kisses your cheek lightly. "I'm Liam," he yells over the beginnings of the next song. "Y/N!" you yell back, shaking his hand. after the concert's over, he catches up to you and asks for your number and you can't help but feel it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Louis:you work in the soccer stadium his team practices at. you know exactly who he is, but he hasn't the slightest idea you exist. you're in charge of the lighting board upstairs, so you feel pretty sure that there's no way you two will every encounter each other. it's a normal day at work, the team's down on the field kicking the ball around. you have a tendency to pick Louis out and watch him, but you see he's not there. you shrug, figuring he must be doing some kind of press or hanging out with the band. until there's a frantic knock at the door to the lighting booth. you don't normally have company, so you get up and open the door. a very sweaty and out of breath Louis tumbles into the booth, leaving you slightly awestruck. "you're Louis Tomlinson," you manage to spit out, your eyes going wide. he braces one hand on his knee and holds the other out to you. "so I am," he chuckles, shaking your hand. "and you are?" "Y/N," you stutter out, eyes still wide. he lets out a long sigh and gestures out the now closed door. "some...some fans got into the change room. dunno how they did told me to bolt so I did and this was the first room I could find that wasn't a washroom. d'you mind?" you have to laugh. Louis freaking /Tomlinson/ was asking you if you minded he stay in your lighting booth. "I don't mind at all. would you like some water?" he grins at you and nods.

Niall:it sounds incredibly cliche, but you work in a restaurant that he's always at and he somehow always ends up sitting in your section. which you don't mind; he's always got at least three or four friends with him and he tips you like nobody's business. you've contemplated leaving your number on the handsome blonde's receipt once or twice, but have always managed to talk yourself out of it with some crap like "oh he'll never call you" and "what does he want to do with a waitress?". you've never gotten on a first name basis with him, but he knows your name by your tag and you know his name because, well, he's Niall Horan. this time, he comes in by himself and gets the quiet table in the corner of your section. you walk over, just like you would with any other customer, and get him a drink. just as you put his coke on the table, he catches your wrist. "can I ask you something?" you stop and nod. "I've been in here I don't know how many times and you're always my waitress and I think you're beautiful and really good at what you do and I keep hoping you'll put your number on my receipt like they do in the movies, but I can't wait anymore so I just want to ask if-" you cut him off. "my shift ends in an hour." your words earn you a grin and a blush and you walk back to the kitchen, hoping the clock will move just a little bit faster.

Zayn:you never expected to run into anyone in this corner of the bookstore. it was where they kept all the psychology textbooks and heavy duty chemistry books. but you had discovered it during your third year of high school and claimed it as your own, dragging one of the bean bags over from the teen section and sitting by the window with whatever book in your hand and a cup of tea from Starbucks close by. so when you get to your corner and see a long lanky body asleep in your bean bag chair, inky hair flopping down over his forehead and his lips pouted with sleep, you're not exactly sure what to do. you turn to leave and (of course) slam right into the shelf, knocking a giant textbook off a display. the sound makes the stranger jump awake and you lean to pick the book up off the floor. "I'm so sorry!" you say quickly, putting the book back in it's place. "I didn't mean to wake you up. it's just I usually sit there and I wasn't expecting you to be there and I-" he smiles at you and you swear your heart stops. "hey, it's okay," he says with a grin. "I was just leaving." he walks by you and stops, glancing at the book in your hand. "Victor Hugo, good choice." he starts to walk away and you spin. "do you want to get a coffee?" you call after him and he turns, dark eyes lighting up. you suddenly realize he doesn't know your name so you stick your hand in his direction. "I'm Y/N and would you like to get a coffee with me?" he smiles at you and juts his chin towards the Starbucks in the other corner of the store. "I'm Zayn. let's go."


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