Date Night

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date night

Harry:is spent at home. he insists on making dinner and eat together in front of the fireplace on a blanket, sharing a bottle of wine and talking about your days. you bathe in the warmth of the fire, stealing kisses now and again. he tells you stupid jokes that make you giggle till your sides hurt and you count his tattoos, asking him what each one means and if it hurt when he got it. the evening ends with soft kisses shared in front of the glowing flames.

Liam:is spent at a club, the two of you splitting shots and frolicking on the dance floor. his breath is hot in your ear all night, hands pulling your hips closer to his, grinding you hard enough to steal you breath. "you're so beautiful," he whispers, loud enough for you to hear over the music. it's not long before he's dragging you out of the club, helping you into the car and kissing you hard in the backseat.

Louis:is spent at the fanciest restaurant he can find. during the day, he takes you to the mall and insists on buying you a new dress and even lets you dress him before you walk out the door. dinner is full of stolen glances and footsies under the table. he holds your hand on top of the table and you move your foot across his shin, dipping your heel under his pant leg. he smiles at you., one eye dropping in a saucy wink. "we'll have some fun at home later, hm?"

Niall:is spent at the movies. Niall wants to see the scary one and but you beg him to see the latest romantic movie, starring Ryan Gosling. he reluctantly agrees and brightens when you whisper you'll "repay" him later at home. you enjoy the movie, holding Niall's hand the whole time. when it gets to a sad part, you look over to see your boyfriend crying harder than you, his ears bright red. you let him lay his head on your shoulder and his his forehead. "it's okay, baby."

Zayn:is spent in the park, lying in the middle of the field watching the stars, wrapped up in coats and scarves. he keeps his arms around you, pointing out constellations and whispering them to you. you see a shooting star and gasp. "make a wish," he says, grinning down at you. you smile and kiss him once. "I don't need to wish for anything," you say, "I have everything I need right here." he grins and kisses you again, right there under the stars.


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