Your Child Gets Upset When He Leaves For Tour (Louis)

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Your Child Gets Upset When He Leaves For Tour (Louis)

Leaving for the Australian leg of tour was really hard for Louis. You and your little boy couldn’t tag along because you both felt the long haul flight was too much for your two year old. Louis and William had always had an incredibly strong father/son bond and you knew it was breaking his heart to even think of the time they were going to spend apart.

That morning, you all drove to the airport together, William in his car seat chattering away to his daddy the whole way there, unaware of the goodbyes that were soon to follow. Upon arriving at the airport, camera flashes went wild, whilst groups of teenage girls began to scream Louis name. Normally, he would stop and talk to his fans, but he really wasn’t in the mood today, and he certainly wasn’t in the mood to talk to the paps. You pulled you son into your chest, wrapping the jacket you wore around his little body to shield him from all the flashing lights and screams. Louis then wrapped a protective and strong arm around you, leading you inside and out the way of danger.

'Okay little man. This is it now. I won't see you or Mummy for a little while now okay? You're now the man of the house and therefore you have to be a big boy and make sure Mummy is okay every morning and every night. Can you do that?'

William’s face lit up at the request, nodding his head furiously before his smile faded to sadness.

'But Daddy, I will miss you, and I will miss football.' His vocabularly was limited with him still being so young.

'We can play football when I come home son' Louis chuckled, trying to ignore the lump in his throat.

'Can we not come? Please Daddy..'

'Not this time Will, Australia is very, very far away. Even further than America! Can you remember when we went there? It wouldn't be fair to make you travel all that way just for me. You and Mummy will have so much fun though. Nanny Jay will come and visit and Auntie Perrie is going to stay with you and Mummy alot. You'll like that won't you.'

Finally Louis saw the smile creep back on his son’s face.

'Ok Daddy…I love you!'

'I love you too son.'

Louis and yourself knew it was time for him to go now. You passed William to Zayn whilst you said your own goodbyes.

'Okay baby girl, this is it. I wish i could take you on the road with me, but we both know what's best for our little man. I promise to call you all the time, I want loads of photos of my two favourite people everyday. I love you to pieces baby girl. Stay strong. No tears now. I love you.'

With that he left with the boys, leaving you and your son to miss him already.

'How about we go home and play with the football?' you suggest, trying to cheer up your little man.

'but mummy you no good at football!' William giggled.

'Why don't you teach me how to get better then baby.'


Posted by neverinyourwildestdreams5

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