Love Bites

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Love Bites

Zayn: The boys were all sitting down in the living room talking with Zayn, when you took of your sweater forgetting why you put it on in the first place. “I see Zayn wasn’t too sick after all,” Louis says. “Y/N, you called us saying he couldn’t get out of bed, but now we see why.” Liam adds. You looked at them confused until you remember all the marks Zayn had left on your neck. “Looks like he was feeling better, much better,” Harry says looking at you and then at Zayn. You quickly put your sweater back on and looked over at Zayn who was smiling. “She can make anyone feel better in minutes,” he says kissing you. “We can tell Zayn,” Nialls says which causes you to hide you face in Zayn’s neck. Zayn had been sick, but not sick enough to still be able the leave love bites all over your neck.

Liam: Liam was about to head to the studio when you told him to wear a scarf to hide the evidence of what had happened the night before. “But Y/N it’s not even cold,” he says moving it around. “I don’t wanna anyone to see what we do behind close doors,” you say kissing him before he left. He kept the scarf on until it was his turn to go into the recording booth. Before his long hair would cover them up but since he got the buzz cut, you tried not to leave them so high up where everyone could see them. After he came out all the boys started laughing, and they ended up calling you. “Y/N, you have corrupted our sweet Liam, look at the marks on his neck, shame on you,” Louis says which cause you to turn red even though they can’t see you.

Harry: Zayn had invited Harry, the boys and you to his house for a BBQ. You had totally forgotten about the love bites Harry had left on your neck, collarbones, and hips. Once you were in your bikini as you were about to go into the swimming pool, you hear Niall laughing at you. “Harry, just look how you left poor Y/N,” he says. You immediately got in the pool to try and hide your body. Harry had been sitting down in a chair, when he took of his shirt to reveal his back that was covered with red scratches. “Harry put your shirt back on before they see them and hand me a towel please,” but you were to late. All the boys had seen Harry’s back, and it made you more embarrassed at the comments they were saying about you two.

Louis: “Stop moving,” you say trying cover up the love bites you left all over Louis’ neck. You didn’t want the boys to see them much less the interviewer seeing all those red marks. “Just leave it, who cares if they see them,” he says getting up from the chair. “I do!” you say following him outside of his dressing room. “Y/N, not too rough, you gotta let him breathe,” Niall says inspecting Louis’ neck. “Jeez, Y/N you’re an animal in bed,” Harry says walking past Louis, Niall, and you. Louis just smirks while you are dying from embarrassment. “Get back in the room, I don’t care how much make up I put on you. They are getting covered,” you say dragging him back in. So much for trying to cover them Niall, and Harry pointed them out during the interview.

Niall: Yesterday the boys slept over yours and Niall’s house. While they all slept Niall decided it was fun to leave and head up to your room for some alone time. You were washing you face in the morning when you say two big marks on your neck and smaller ones scattered around. “I can’t seem to cover them up, they are so big and red” you groan to Niall. “You weren’t complaining yesterday when it was happening,” he says smirking. Just then Zayn comes into your bedroom saying. “Oh Niall, that feels so good, dont stop oh,” in a girly voice. “Wow, now I see what felt so good last night,” Liam says while checking the big love bite. “Get out!” you say to all of them, but as they leave you can hear them congratulating Niall. “No more sleepovers,” you say before shutting the door.


Posted by malikzapper

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