When He Finds Out You've Been Abused.

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When He Finds Out You've Been Abused.

Harry: It's a cool Autumn night and you and your boyfriend is laying together on the couch. He says something somewhat offensive to you so you playfully start to fight, all of a sudden he hits your shoulder a bit to hard and all the memories of your abuse flood back in your head, You cower in fear and stare up at him with big eyes. After sobbing for a while he ask you what happened, you've play fought thousands of times. You recall your previous abusing and by the time you're done he is in tears. "I'm So Sorry Baby, I'll never let anyone hurt you again."

Liam: You're out on a date with your amazing boyfriend Liam, You two are walking around when suddenly you're surrounded by fans. A few of them aren't so nice and push you away from Liam causing you to fall and hurt your hip against the pavement. Without warning thousands of images from your abuse play back in your head, being hit and pushed, being called names. When you and Liam get home, he holds you and you tell him your story. "Nothing will ever harm you again baby, I swear."

Louis: Being the typical playful Louis you two are always messing and fighting with each other, but as you are playfully pushing each other he grabs your wrist to pull you in to him. You freeze when you think of all the times you've been pulled into a fist or the back of a hand. You stare at him and he can tell something is wrong. You cry to him about everything you went through. "I-I never knew. I'm Sorry, Love, I'll never do anything like that again."

Niall: It's one of those nights, you're sitting at home studying waiting for your boyfriend to come home. It's been another long day of interviews and loud fans and he's aggravated. He walks in and lays down on the bed, you crawl beside him and try to cuddle with him but he pushes you away and you tumble off the bed. You gasp in pain grabbing your arm. Then, it comes back. Your abuse from years ago haunts you. Niall instantly jumps up to help you but you're terrified. After you come down from your fear you tell him of what has happened in the past. He feels awful and just holds you kissing on your arm and telling you he loves you.

Zayn: You're in the kitchen making dinner for your husband. You feel his warm hands go around your waist and slide down to your butt. You cower as you think back at all the abuse you went through, physical and mental abuse. "S-Stop." You manage to call, Zayn, who thinks you're joking laughs and kisses your neck. He finally gets it when you start crying. he asks you what happened and once you tell him he kisses you convincing you that he would never hurt you and he loves you with all his heart.


Posted by http://humptheharreh.tumblr.com/prefs

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