Losing what you love

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Losing what you love

Niall: ”Niall!” You cry out “I said I was sorry.” “He stopped packing, to look at you “What I don’t understand is why? What was going through your mind when you cheated on me with Zayn?” “Niall! I thought you found someone else! Do you not know how guilty I felt afterwards?” “But it wasn’t this one time!” “Niall! Please don’t go” But once those words fell out of your mouth, Niall slammed the bedroom door.

Louis: ”(Y/N)?” You heard him, but you couldn’t stop hugging your daughter’s stuffed animal. Feeling his hand on the small of your back, you turned to him. “(Y/N),” his voice was soothing as he pulled a piece of your hair behind your ear “Don’t do this to yourself. She’s gone, I know it hurts” Your head hit Louis’ chest, your eyes began to blur your vision. He attempted to calm you down by rubbing his hand in circles on your back.

Harry: Sitting on your porch, the constant rain drops masked your tears. The phone call rang through your head. “Harry"… "found dead”. You couldn’t believe this was how his life ended. Some idiot driver on the highway caused your newlywed husband to leave you. Looking down, the little baby bump poking out of your shirt caused another fit of tears. Your family had only started. Now your child wouldn’t ever meet their father.

Zayn: At first not wanting to believe it. You knew, or at least liked to pretend to know, that Zayn would never cheat on you with another girl. But the proof when you got home was enough evidence. The entire flat was cleared of all of Zayn’s belongings. When you walked into the bedroom, a note sat on top of a pillow “I’m sorry, (Y/N). But there wasn’t any other way. You were going to find out sometime, I just didn’t want to be there to see it

Liam: ”(Y/N)! Stop! I’m not cheating on you” “But Lee-” “Seriously! If you accuse me one more time then I really will leave you for good” “But Liam, then why do you always come home so late?” “(Y/N)? Why can’t you trust me?” “Liam, I want to so much but-” “But what, (Y/N)?” “Liam there’s all these girls who are always flirting with you…” “That’s it! I’m done” Liam called out as he ran upstairs to pack his stuff.


Posted by epicpwny

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