Chapter 60: Secrets of The Green Magician

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When Dekapan finally came back with the cup of coffee Ichi requested for, he dropped it at the moment he saw what saw going on. Osomatsu had his phone outstretched towards Lonely's direction while Kara was beside him, and Todo had left the other two to help Ichi, who was currently being pulled upwards to avoid falling onto his own demise. Dekapan also saw the broken colombina mask and the two swords lying on the ground, the pieces of the puzzle were put together and Dekapan rushed to Ichi's side, ignoring the voices coming out of Osomatsu's phone.

Speaking of Osomatsu's phone, Lonely's eyes were glued to the screen and he didn't seem to be planning on continuing his and Ichi's duel, seeing as how he had dropped his rapier. Despite his rather small eyes, he could clearly see what was being displayed. More look-a-likes, as well as a clone of Dekapan were present. They were all huddled into a hospital bed, with the supposed patient being the owner of the voice that was similar to Jyushi's. Except it was a bit more raspy and soft, and Lonely could only guess it was because he was sick.

Jyushimatsu, was it? His name is similar to Osomatsu's.. but he's Jyushi too? Strange..

"Did... did I do good, Osomatsu-niisan..?"

Osomatsu turned the phone back to him and made a small smile. Jyushimatsu was still tired-looking, but at least he wasn't sick enough to not speak a single word. Who knows how Ichi could have ended up if Osomatsu wasn't brilliant enough to think of such an idea? Now that he had finished stroking his own ego, Osomatsu made sure he didn't look so worried. He didn't want to make everyone feel worried for him the same way he was worried for them. "You did great, Jyushimatsu. Thanks for saving Ichi's life. And.. and don't worry about the bit about you not protecting anyone. That's fine, you're the second youngest, so you don't have that much to worry about. Heh." He heard the relieved sighs of his brothers and Dekapan. They must have been really worried.

"I'm.. I'm really glad I helped you..! I.. can't move much for now, but.. I'll.. do my best to help you, Osomatsu-niisan.. with Ichimatsu-niisan's help.. and Choromatsu-niisan's, and Karamatsu-niisan's, and Totty's, and Professor Dekapan's too.. we'll all work super hard to bring you back home with us, Osomatsu-niisan.. I'll work super hard.."

"I know you will. Muscle hustle, yeah? Don't rush trying to get better though. I did that once, and I ended up feeling more like shit. Don't want to compete with Ichimatsu in that department, eh?" Osomatsu chuckled, and he saw Ichimatsu pull the finger at him from the background, though the fourth brother was careful to make sure Jyushimatsu didn't see it. Nonetheless, Osomatsu was amused. "And Choromatsu, Karamatsu, Todomatsu. Thanks for listening to me."

"Well duh! We're not there with you, so of course we know you're not pranking us! Especially when you bring someone sick into this, Osomatsu-niisan! Also, Choromatsu-niisan told us to run like hell, and so we did! Who knows what could have been happening in there?! You got Choromatsu-niisan and Karamatsu-niisan worried about you and our other selves! Gah, of course we'd listen to you! Who knows what could have been going on over there?!"

"Totty, my dear youngest brother! You were just as worried as we were! Don't pretend-"

"Fine then, Karamatsu-niisan! I was very worried, okay?! Who wouldn't be worried?! Especially after hearing my alternate self trying to kill him-"

"You two, stop bickering right this second! Geez, and in the professor's lab too, and while Jyushimatsu's trying to rest! Ichimatsu, stop glaring at them, that's not gonna solve anything either! Argh, whatever.. Osomatsu-niisan, is the other Ichimatsu fine now? Or is there something else we should be worried about?"

Osomatsu glanced at Ichi. Well, Dekapan somehow had another pair of glasses, as if he knew Ichimatsu would somehow break his glasses again. Todo was now glaring daggers at Lonely's back, but Kara was probably watching him to prevent a murder from happening. "He's fine, yeah. Uh, the other you looks like just like you if you witnessed Nyaa-chan's skirt get flipped up." He heard Choromatsu suddenly bark out something with Todomatsu and Ichimatsu snickering in the background, as well as the weak comment of Jyushimatsu stating that Choromatsu was an idol otaku. "Wrong choice of words, don't get angry at me, Fappymatsu. The other you doesn't know yet. But I'm guessing I should let him know by now?"

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