Chapter 1

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I stood there, watching the cars passing on the street below, and the house creaked and moaned as it usually did. I sighed as I glanced behind me at my trunk on my bed. I rolled my eyes as a knock on the door rang around the room.

In stepped the Minister, whom I didn't even both learning his name, and Remus, my trainer. I sighed as I beckoned them in.

"Oh, come in!" I threw a fake smile in their direction and sarcastically greeted them. "I totally invited you in."

"Nicole!" snapped Remus as the Minister continued to walk around the room, ignoring me. I just threw a nasty smirk in Remus's direction and crossed my arms as I eyed the Minister.

"Now, Miss Black, I wish to speak with you...about your new mission." He said, crossing his arms as well and a chair appeared behind him, making me jump and glancing over to see Remus withdraw his wand and watching my every move.

"New...Mission?" I questioned, moving onto the couch that was in the room. "What are we, Deatheaters?"

"No..." gasped Remus as he started to say something to me, but the Minister rose his hand to silence Remus.

"No, but you have a mission and in order for the Order to continue with your protection from your parent's killer, you will have to fulfill this mission." explained the Minister as my eyes when from normal size to wide.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I started as I rose to my feet, Remus started to say something, but I waved him for silence. "You're making me do The Order's dirty work so I can keep my room here, and the protection from one of the deadly deatheaters?"

The Minister didn't even look moved at all by my question. That made my chest grow warm and my eyebrows bend, and I began to bit my lip. I was now, angry.

"Yes." He nodded, looking at me. "Missions, for The Order, is what you've been training to do," He explained as he waved over at Remus, who just nodded and glared over at me. "now, your mission is in this scroll." He sighed waving his own wand and a scroll appeared to float to his right between himself and Remus.

I eyed it with curiosity, but at the same time with regret, as I sat back down and crossed my arms across my chest. It floated over to me and when I attempted to open it, the movement of the Minster's head caught my attention to look up. He was shaking his head.

"You won't be able to read it until you are completely alone, and on Hogwarts grounds. That way, no one can know your mission, but you. You won't be allowed to tell anyone, unless you have my permission, but we have suspicion of," he sighed and use air quotes. "movement, from the deatheaters and we think they're up to something this year, you must find out. That much of your mission, I can tell you."

"Okay, so besides continuing living the life i'm living now, whats in it for me?" I asked, placing the scroll to my left beside me on the couch.

The Minister thought for a moment. Then his eyes found mine and grinned.

"So, that's it?" I gasped, rising to my feet. "I keep everything I have no, nothing changes, you just want me to do it...basically to do it?"

"You'll keep your Order privileges." shrugged the Minister as he rose and the chair disappeared and he moved toward the door. "You also get an upgrade on your training. Have fun this year!" and with that, he was out of the door, leaving Remus and myself alone.

"You are so fucking rude, its unbelievable." Remus stated, shaking his head. "I didn't train you to be that way, I trained you to be professional, polite and a real lady."

"Too bad I didn't end up that way." I snapped, grabbing my trunk. "You know what?" I stated, as I stopped with my hand on the door and glancing over at the scroll. I moved from the door and snatched it off the couch.

"What?" sighed Remus, crossing his arms and watching my every move. "'ve changed so much, I don't understand it..." He muttered.

My eyes went wide and I rounded on him. "What happened?" I gasped, moving toward him. "What happened was ever since I was 11, you've kept me here, the only freedom I had was the two years at Hogwarts, before you came along, and then I do stupid stuff for The Order and Dumbledore. I know you guys are for the good, but you're as bad as the fucking Deatheaters."

Remus just starred at me.

"You know what? I'll walk myself to Kings Cross, see you next Summer Holiday Dickweed!" and with that I slammed the door and left for Kings Cross, I shoved the scroll into my bag and continued walking, I knew it was rude of me saying all that to him, but he pissed me off. As did the Minster.

What lied in store for me this year...?

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