Chapter 59

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A scream from outside shook me awake.

I frowned at the lingering pain that ran through my torso.

I flipped the blankets off of me and made my way to the bathroom across the room, not really worried about the screaming.

Sounded more like arguing screaming then dying screaming anyway.

I frowned even more when my eyes took in the sight of my massive bed head situation.

I knew - or at least i thought -  I wasn't asleep for long, but I knew it was the best sleep I had had in a very long time.

I did my business and the gently crawled back under the sheets and the thick warm blanket that Mrs. Weasley recently provided, considering I was shivering.

Sure the weather was in a fucked up place where it didn't want to choose whether to be warm or cold, but I had lost a lot of blood and I knew that wasn't a good sign.

I laid there, listening to the fighting outside, but it died down after a few moments and I listened very closely as I heard people come in downstairs and began to talk amongst their selves.

A gentle knock caught me off guard as I pulled the blanket over my torso, that I didn't bother to cover, so my pink bra was still facing the world, along with my medical tape.

"Nicole, are you awake - decent?" came Harry's voice and a sudden wave of fear slide over me as I nodded at the door and sighed, preparing myself for this brother-sister conversation.

"Yes. Come in." I beckoned with my voice as I sat up in the bed, placed the pillow I had been laying on, in my lap and tucked the blanket around my bra area to hide my bra and my wounds.

As I noticed some blood was leaking though at some parts of the tape.

Harry entered the room slowly, closing the door gently behind him.

We eyed each other for a few moments as I nodded at the empty spot in front of me on the bed.

"Sit. I won't bite." I threw a small smile in his direction, as he threw an even smaller one back at me, as he place his bottom in front of me.

"I heard about what Zambini's father did to you..." Harry said slowly, as he avoided my gaze. "...I'm sorry."

"Psh! They can't keep me down that easy!" I grinned and I suddenly got serious as everything that had been leading up to this moment in my life, clicked. "Its in my blood."

Harry's head shot up and he stared at me, in disbelief, but just the way he was looking at me, I could tell he already knew.

It all made sense. I never felt a real connection to Sirius, which would explain the whole guilt thing and not going to his funeral etc.

"You know, I had no clue, right?" Harry finally spoke after a few moments of silence.

"I know. No one knew." I shook my head, flinching at a throbbing sensation that began to flow through my torso once more. Obviously sitting in this position wasn't the best idea. "That's for sure." I manages to whimper through the pain.

"Well, what are we going to do now?" Harry questioned as he rose off the bed and my eyes followed him "About this, new information?"

I slide the pillow back to its original place and slide back under the blanket and the throbbing faded.

I grinned in relief as I spoke to answer Harry's question.

"I'd said nothing changes, other than you having more respect for me, Amy, Elena, Dra -" I started, but Harry cut me short when he started shaking his head.

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