Chapter 35

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 "Nicole, you alright?" nudged Ron, as Amy and Elena rose from the logs that were surrounding our overgrown bonfire. Somehow, we managed to have a bonfire over at the Weasleys. Fred and George were distracting Mr. and Mrs. Weasley for most of the night, Harry, Ginny and Hermione were out to dinner, i'm guessing. 

"Yeah," I lied, sniffing slightly, finding my eyes stare into the fire as it threatened to snatch me up. "just got a lot on my mind..."

"...i'm all ears." came a voice behind us, we both jumped and spun around. I could feel my lips play into a smile as my eyes connected with the only person that i seemed to want to talk to. Blasie.

"Blasie!?" I gasped, shooting to my feet, stepping over the log and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Let me guess - "

" - Elena!" said myself, Blasie, Draco and Ron in unison.

"How did you parents let us do this Weasley?" asked Draco, with a slight tone of rudeness to it.

"They're distracted." Ron answered, rising and eyebrow, rising to his feet as well, eyeing myself then Blasie. "I believe one of the conditions in you two coming, was to behave and be nice, wasn't it?"

"Of course." smiled Blasie, as he lead me to a long a few feet from my original and we sat down as he stretched his arm around me, rubbing my right arm, considering i was shivering slightly. "I got your letter." He grinned, as Elena and Amy returned. Elena's eyes sparkled as her lips and Draco's danced in unison as they sat down across from us. 

Amy smiled as Ron took her chin on his finger, lifting her head with a smile plastered on both of their faces as their lips brushed against each other. My eyes went from one best mate to the other, and then my eyes landed back on Blasie's gorgeous eyes and his tempting lips.

"You did?" I asked, clearing my throat. It was odd, i had never felt this feeling so quickly around a guy. We had only hung out twice, counting the present moment, and on top of this, i had a sudden push to kiss him. Was it because of Elena and Amy's actions and i just felt left out, or was it more. "Well...whats your view on this?"

"Well, i believe Mr. Black - " he started, but i interrupted him.

" - You can call him Sirius." I smiled, as he glued his eyes on mine.

"Sirius," He grinned a tad as he continued. "i believe he should've told you about your mother, if she is still alive, that is," He shrugged sliding some sticks from Draco, who handed him two. He slide two marsh mellows onto the tip of it and slide me one as he continued to speak. "As far as Sirius showing up and then not getting to know you, just protecting Potter..." He sighed, shaking his head. He seemed to be at a loss of words.

"...well i understand that he had to protect Potter -" I started, glancing over at my best mates, who both seemed to be in their own little worlds, just as i found myself. Sitting here, with Blasie. "- don't get me wrong, i do understand that," I continued. "but..." I just sighed, not knowing exactly how to say it.

Blasie nodded and smiled as his eyes drifted from my eyes to the fire for a few moments then back into my eyes as i finished my complaint. " don't have to say much more Nicole, i understand what you're saying. Thats just a tricky situation."

I couldn't help, but smile at this as i found myself nodding.

"So, what are you doing for Christmas?" I asked, pulling my stick in after realizing my marsh mellow was barley on fire. "Anything spacial?" I questioned as i slide the marsh mellow off the stick then grinned at Blasie's expression as he stared at my marsh mellow with an odd look. "What?"

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