Chapter 26

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"So, i'll be hearing from you over the Holiday?' I asked, smiling over at my shining mates. I heard about both of their nights and I was estatic that they both got somewhere with their crushes, so you could imagen their reaction to my night, sense they think I like Blasie.

"Of course!" smiled Amy, nudging me and then glancing over to Elena.

"Yeah!" nodded Elena, pressing her fingers against her lips.

I just smiled at her, and then looked over at Amy and she just giggled at herself.

I was happy for the both of them, but I felt my heart slightly pull for myself. I didn't have that same shine as they did. Did I even deserve it?

The three of us had been through hell this term, and I was the reason for majority of that hell.

I shrugged at it as the three of us started to board the train when I heard my name being called;


I stopped, which made Elena and Amy stop and they peered around the doorway of the entrance door to the train.

"Yes?" I grinned, looking over my shoulder and to my surprise, there was Draco, Blasie and Pansy standing there. "Can I help you guys?"

"Blasie wants to talk to you." smiled Draco, winking at Elena, who flushed red and hide her face in Amy's robes. I rolled my eyes at that and smirked over at Blasie.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked, grinning at me.

"You just did." I smiled, crossing my arms. "What do you want Zambini?"

"Your I can write know, over the Holiday...?" He asked, nudging me.

I froze. I couldn't do this.

I can't, literally. I was part of the Order and he was a deatheater. I was already going to have the heat from not doing my job when I get to the House, and having Elena as a friend and keeping Amy as a friend, and if a deatheater was sending me letters, they would definitely shove me into the streets.

With my silence, Blasie's face dropped and I felt my heart pull for him. I didn't want to see him sad, which was odd, considering I didn't like a crush...or did I? That would explain the whole, not wanting to see him sad, but I couldn't do it.

"She's staying with me over the Holiday." smiled Amy, shoving past Elena and myself as she pulled out a sharpie and grabbed Blasie's hand and scribbled down her address. "Just send the letters there loverboy."

"Loverboy!?" gasped myself and Blasie in unison.

I kept starring at Amy, as Blasie shrugged and thanked Amy as he rejoined his Slytherin friends and Amy pulled me onto the train and I followed her and Elena to an empty compartment and slammed the door shut.

"What!?" gasped Amy, shrugging and crossing her arms. "I did you a favor Nicole, you need this." she smiled over at me and Elena just couldn't stop giggling to save her life.

"What if I didn't want him to send me letters this Holiday?" I asked, crossing my arms and sitting down, glaring at Amy.

"Yeah, that would make Amy in the wrong," came Elena's voice as she finally stopped giggling. "but she isn't in the wrong, because you wanted that."

"What makes you say that?" I asked, rising and eyebrow and glancing from one to the other.

"Face it," smiled Amy, clapping her hand on my knee. "you like him."

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