Chapter 21

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I shrugged, once my conversation with Nicole was over, I sighed and took a piece of toast and glanced around as I began to eat the toast and headed out to the entrance.

"Hey Amy, you ready?" smiled Harry, who came out of no where, making me choke on my toast. I noticed my eyes drifted over him and over to Ron's eyes. For once, I noticed his eyes had a shade of sadness in them as he gazed at the pair of us. "Amy?"

My attention snapped back at him and smiled, "Yeah!" I swallowed hard and let Harry lead me into Hogsmeade.

The day went by, rather lovely. We went and got ice cream, talked about our families, funny moments there. Our friends, even more funny moments there. I froze up though, when a conversation started, right as we past the Three Broomsticks.

"So, whats up with Nicole?" He asked, as I glanced over where his eyes were starring. There sat Nicole and Draco, laughing and talking over a glass of butterbeer. I rolled my eyes, and sort of froze up even more when he pushed forward with it. "What is it with her this year? She is usually really nice, but she is kind of a...a - "

" - a bitch!?" I shrugged, slamming my ice cream into the nearest trashcan.

"I was going to say kind of a asswhole, but that sums it up a lot better." Harry grinned as he was suddenly bumped into by a figure in a cloak.

"Sorry my boy!" called the voice.

"Lupin!?" gasped Harry, making the figure stop, he turned to me and patted my shoulder and said, "Excuse me for a second, Lupin!" He said, turning back to the figure.

I rose and eyebrow and stepped a little closer to Harry and I heard;

"...going to talk to Nicole? About what?" asked Harry.

"Her mission. Sorry Harry, but for once, this doesn't concern you." came Lupin's voice.

"But - " Harry started, but Lupin walked away, and I watched him walk toward the Three Broomsticks, and that's when Harry stepped back up to me and I glanced over at him. " - well anyway - "

"Actually, thanks for the day Harry, i'll have to talk to you later." I said, patting his shoulder this time. "See you later!?' I called as I watched as Lupin watched Nicole for a few moments, that's when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned to see Elena, laughing and going on with Derrick, I caught her eye as she sent Derrick into a near by store and slide to my side.

"Whats going on?" she asked, looking at Lupin, and then her eyebrow rose. "Who is that?"

"That's Lupin, part of the Order." I smirked, feeling slightly guilty, I was about to expose Nicole for who she was to Elena. I had to do this though, she was my partner, I had to be loyal to Voldemort or I'd be killed, or Pansy would be killed.

She better love me.

"Okay, so why are we spying?" smirked Elena, slightly giggling, and smiling.

I rose and eyebrow at her, she was never in these moods, but shrugged it off and continued. "Because, Nicole is my best friend, target." I swallowed that piece of guilt hard.

"Amy," sighed Elena, taking my hand gently. I thought she was about to say something friendly and helpful, but I was wrong. "she is your friend before shes your target, silly!"

I just shook my head at her as I saw Nicole leave the Three Broomsicks and she and Lupin disappeared into an ally.

"OH shit!" I gasped, as Elena and myself went to move forward to hear better, but right when things began to get good we heard;


We both turned around and I patted Elena's back to indicate for her to go ahead and listen in. She did so, as Ron stepped up.

"Ron..." I swallowed hard, eyeing him oddly. "...whats wrong?"

"I need to talk to you...what is she doing?" he asked, catching Elena, ease dropping.

"Oh, ease dropping." I smirked, feeling my jitters return and my heart leaping into a joyful state. "Whats up?"

"Well," He sighed, taking my hands and looking around. "two questions for you...has Harry asked you to the Christmas Party yet?"

"No," I smirked, eyeing him oddly. "Ronald, you weren't even invited."

"No," He swallowed hard, with embarrassment. "but Harry is more than happy to bring three guests, and I was wondering if you would be my date for that party...?"

I was so taken back, I felt my face flush red and my veins began to dance from the joy that was flowing from my heart.

"This is so random Ron, you have to understand that." I nodded as he nodded as well. "I didn't even know you were crushing on me at all."

"Well," He shrugged, smiling. "I have been, and I would like to get to know you more. Amy," He sighed once more. "I do have a tiny crush on you, but I think it could grow to something more and I think it should start with us getting to know each other what do you say?"

" - CUT!" we both heard being shouted from the ally way.

"You know what? I will, but i'll have to talk to you about it later okay?" I smiled, as I attempted to walk away and I felt him jerk me back around and his lips landed on my forehead.

"See you later then." He grinned, with his entire face flushing as red as his hair.

I grinned and caught up with Elena, who was nodding and looking over at me.

"What?" I whispered, shrugging.

"Nicole is clever." Elena whispered back. "I'll explain it later - " she was cut off by Nicole's words filling the silent space between us;

" - one question, though." she said, sniffing, she was tearing up, almost crying. "That scroll, any charms on it?"

"Yes," He sighed, looking as if he was tearing up. "Deatheaters, true deatheaters can only read so much on it, if they were to read it. Why?"

My eyes went wide. I had attempted to read the scroll and could only read so much. Elena, looked over at me with an odd look. I knew that look though, that meant that we were going to have a very honest conversation in a bit.

"No reason." She nodded, and realized he was still standing there, starring at her. "Like I said, i'll do what I got to do...goodbye Lupin!"

"Oh shit!" gasped the both of us in unison when we realized, we weren't the only ones ease dropping...

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