Chapter 36

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"Where have you two been?" I winked, noticing Nicole's face as red as our own house colors. That was the reddest i had ever seen her. Ever! "Did you two just - ?"

"Yes!" smiled Blasie, stretching his arm around Nicole, who seemed to just melt. "Honestly, the best kiss ever!" He explained, kissing Nicole's forehead.

"Honestly," Nicole smiled brightly as she looked from me to Blasie. "the best Christmas present ever!" Nicole wrapped her arms around Blasie's chest and pressed her head against it. Blasie just wrapped his arms around her as well and they cuddled there, starring up at their friends. We just beamed back with excitement.

"About time." winked Elena, as she placed her head on Draco's shoulder. Draco just smiled proudly as he nodded over at Blasie, who just shot back a smile. "You two were already drooling all over each other before the whole shower incident happened..." smiled Elena as Ron, who had left us for a moment to bring us some butterbeer, returned and we started to pass them around. I rose to my feet to feed the fire as Ron hawled in laughter.

"Whoa! I hadn't heard this story...what shower incident?" He chuckled as Blasie and Nicole took big swigs of their butterbeer and began to laugh themselves. "Who was naked....Amy?" smiled Ron, pulling me back onto his lap by the waste.

"No!?" gasped Blasie, shaking his head throwing Ron an odd look as Nicole leaned forward, as Elena and Draco continued to howl in laughter.

"I was Ronald." She giggled out.

I couldn't help, but look around at the six of us, as Nicole and Blasie told the story of their first akward moment together. You remember, in Elena's dorm the night of the Professor's party. I smiled at the scene. Sure, five of us made sense being seen together, Ron was the odd one out, but Draco and Blasie seemed to be warming up to him just as well. I grinned over at Elena;

She had trust issues, she had never had the opportunity to be trusted or to trust someone else, and Draco was the manwhore that was only described by the reputation others give him. Similar issue right? I'd say so. They seemed to be glowing, as they giggled and made fun of Nicole and Blasie in a playful way, then continued to pick fun at Ron, who just shot it back.

I looked over at Nicole;

The youngest Order agent, the one that never had a real life. She was always hidden behind a mask, sometimes literally. She was tired of playing pretend, she was ready for someone to yell "CUT" and realatiy to come into view. Blasie, seemed to be doing that for her. The greatest, and most lovely way ever, but letting her into his heart. Nicole seemed to have let him in as well, and she didn't seem to regret all.

I grinned to myself, glancing down at Ron;

I had, had a crush on this guy forever, and for him to finally open up to me, to give me a chance, and to say the dreaded L word, was amazing. For him to accept me for who i am, to defend me against his own family and friends, although can be bad, made me feel truly loved.

After Blasie and Nicole finished telling their story, a conversation began between the four of them, leaving Ron and myself alone. He took my hand after setting down some butterbeer and lead me away from the crowd and lead me into the Burrow and stopped right beside the Christmas Tree that we all had a blast decorating. That isn't including Blasie and Draco, just for the footnote.

"I wanted to give you this," He sighed, leaning down and grabbing something under, or in, the tree and he pulled out a black box, which made my heart drop.

Was he going to propose? 

Was it too early?

Was it right timing?

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