Chapter 51

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"...He and, my dear, Draco were the ones that suggested us to attack tonight, instead of tomorrow night..."

I watched Amy's nervous and horrified figure disappear a little up the stairs as that line from Bellatrix sprang against my eardrums.

"No..." I whispered, shaking my head and feeling an internal conflict begin to boil up. There was no way my cousin and my love would be behind this early attack. First off, i would've known about it, or would i? Second off, would Blasie have told Nicole?

I frowned and felt myself slow down and almost freeze. I could feel my eyes moving, but something inside me said it was time to shake all this off for now, and get what we have to do, done.

Once i was able to move again, i sprang up the stairs and ran right into Amy, who ran into...nothing. I rose an eyebrow and shook my head slightly.

"Whats happening?" I whispered, as Amy nodded upward, and i looked up through the floorboards to see Dumbledore talking to Draco, who looked terrified. "Holy shit!"

I started back toward the stairs, but Amy caught my arm and shook her head and pressed her finger against her lips. I eyed her oddly.

"You can't go up there, yet!" she whispered, as I felt mye yes go wide at her words.

"Are you serious?" I questioned, my jaw dropped already. "Did you not pay attention to the plan from the other - "

" - Fuck the plan Zambini!" Amy snapped, pointing her wand at me slightly. "All this shit happened a day earlier, and we had to improvise. I mean, look at Nicole, she's fighting Bellatrix, whens he should be up there." she explained as i nodded slightly. "Now, let it happen..."

"...i don't think it'll happen." came a familar voice from the other side of Amy, but when i looked over, there was no one standing there.

"Its Harry and his invisability cloak." said Amy, silently as she rose her gaze once more and continued to watch through the floorboards.

I shook my head as i felt my gaze lift as well.

"We have to do something." I whispered, feeling my heart pull with its all its might towards those stairs to be by my love's side. "We can't just stand here."

"Yes we can." said Harry, being the one to grab my arm at this point and he added, "And we will."

"No." I smirked, snatching out of his grip, seeing the ligiht in Amy's eyes, the light of trust, fade slightly when i looked from her to him. "I'm on their side, remember?"

"Elena..." said Amy, slowly. "'re not like them."

"What about you Parkinson?" I smirked back, feeling my left arm begin to sting.

Shit, he's saying this, not me.

"What about me Zambini?" she asked, stepping up to me, as she looked from one of my eyes to the other. "You know, yourself, that neither one of us are like them...anymore."

"What about the fact that you've been a deatheater long before you ever said you got branded? What about the fucking fact that you are the youngest deatheater...?" I rose an eyebrow, feeling some random anger begin to surface.

"Elena! Amy!" whispered Harry, attempting to yell without getting founded. "Both of you, shut your faces."

"Kind of hard to do that mate," I smirked, as Amy nodded and looked over at Harry and nodded once more with a shrug. "...anyway..." I said, shaking off this random wave of rage as i spoke. "...i'll go up there, 'playing the part' and i suggest you do the same Amy."

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