Chapter 27

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"The last i heard she was one of the them." smirked Mrs. Weasley, as she and Mr. Weasley crossed their arms and starred at myself and Ron as we glanced over in the living room to see Hermione, Harry, Nicole, Elena, Fred and George sitting and talking about random things. I could tell both, Nicole and Elena were nervous.

Who would blame them? Ron and I were fighting for their spot in the Burrow.

"Molly," I sighed, eyeing Ron, who was sending me nervous vibes. "I'll be honest with you, she is one, but like i others i know of, she is under diferent circumstances." I attempted to explain,without blowing my cover.

Mrs. Weasley rolled her eyes and sighed, "Who would you know that are Deatheaters under different circumstances?"

I glanced from them to the living room once more, and sighed. I had to come clean, in order to get them keep Elena. They weren't too keen on Nicole either, but they said they would deal with it, knowing her deal at 'home.'

"Mum, Amy doesn't have explain anything to you. Neither Elena nor Nicole have anywhere to go," said Ron, stepping up and placing his hand on my shoulder, sending chills down my spine. "so i'm sorry, but as the last man in the house, i would like to push for their spots - "

" - fine!" spat Mr. Wealsey, throwing his arms in the air. He had given in, only to hear his son's silence. "Parkinson, if either one of them try anything i swear - "

" - they won't." I smirked, putting my hands on my hips and glarring at the pair of them. "You know, you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover. You have to open it and begin to read it before you can sit there and refuse it." I spat, turning and exiting the kitchen. Before i left though, i caught Mrs. Weasley hissing at Ron.

"...she is different from the girls you usually like Ronald, she is very rude. Are you sure you're not confused and you like Hermione?" came Mrs. Weasley's voice, and i felt my face drop. I didn't regret being rude, because she was being rather rude already judging both of my best mates and if her son likes me, than she should just shove her feelings aside, keep her mouth shut, and let him be happy.


"Amy!?" gasped Nicole, as she and Elena shot to their feet and i beckoned them to follow me and lead them up stairs and opened a door to a room to reveal two beds. "What happened?" she asked, shutting the door behind her.

"Well Ron and I both fought for you two to stay here. They weren't to keen on it, but we convinced them." I said, crossing my arms watching as Elena and Nicole exchanged looks and nodded. "Now," i said, drawing my wand and give it a few waves and two more beds appeared across the room from the other beds, that were there before, and blankets, sheets, pillow cases and pillows appeared on top of the mattress. "there you are."

"What else was said?" asked Elena, stepping forward as i withdrew my wand.

"Nothing." I sighed, sitting down on the bed right behind me.

"Did Molly say anything?" came Nicole's voice, behind Elena, beginning to make her bed. "She does come off as a, sort of bitch."

"Do you blame her!?" asked Elena, rounding on Nicole. "I mean come on, i'm a deatheater, you're an Order agent, and she doesn't even know that her son's own girlfriend is one too."

"Shhhh!" I quickly clapped my hand around Elena's head to cover her mouth. "Ron knows though."

"What!?' yelped Elena and Nicole in unison.

I jumped at this point and leaned back, and looked from one to the other. "I told you that already."

"We thought you were kidding." said Nicole, her eyes wide and she kept glancing at Elena. "What was his reaction?"

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