Chapter 50

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"AGH!" screamed a familiar whine from a few feet from me. Our 'triangle' of spells had halted for a few, horrifying moments. Here we were, surrounded by deatheaters, not one familiar face.

I peered through some arms, I was about to blast away, and saw a little first year that was being pressed against the wall with a hand to their throat and a wand to their forehead.

"OY! BASTARD!" I screamed, making the deatheaters in front of me glance behind them, as i broke through their 'chain' of arms and slammed a red spell into the deatheater torturing the poor first year, and picked him up off the floor, the first year that is. "You alright?" I asked.

"Hey!" called the deatheater as i glanced over at Elena and Amy, who still had their wands drawn, but were glancing from the watching circle of deatheaters to me. "Blondie!"

"Oh shit." muttered Elena, and Amy shook her head. These actions made the deatheaters confused and look between them and myself.

"Go, run and don't look back." I whispered, putting the first year to the ground and watching him run away as i turned back to the deatheater that just caught my attention, the wrong way. "What the fuck did you just call me?"

"Blondie, isn't that what you are? Blonde, dumb and probably a slut." He smirked, giggling as he stepped toward me, bravely. I noticed his eyes traced every bit of my body, which caused me to raise an eyebrow and tilt my head slightly.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you hardly fucking know - " I started, but was cut off, by his laughter and my eyes went wide at the random act.

" - I know you plenty Miss Black." He grinned, and began to circle me. "Not only because the bossman wants you...but because of Mister Zambini."

"Blasie?" I questioned, hearing Elena and Amy gasp as they, too, were listening. "What the hell does he have to do with any - ?"

" - everything, Nicole." He said, as his smile slithered off his face and he backed me up against the wall. I swallowed hard when i recognized those eyes. "I'm his father."

"His what?" I gasped, feeling his hand sliding gently down my cheek and then around my throat. I felt a shiver of disgust shoot through my veins. I felt his hand tighten around my throat and i began to struggle for my next breath as i felt my wand disappear from my grip, with my struggling I flung it to the ground on accident. "What the hell?" I choked out as i heard an explosion down the corridor.

My eyes shot over to see the smoke clear and Elena and Amy were gone, but the deatheaters were still there. I was hoping that meant they got away, and for some odd reason, i began to kick, to attempt to pry his hands off my throat, but failed.

"You seem to be the tougher one out of the trio here." Zambini mirked, pressing his forehead against mine. I felt another shiver of disgust as I watched his eyes trace my body...again...and his grip loosened slightly. "I can see why my son never listened to me, about dumping you. You're quite the beautiful creature, for a Gryffindor...and a Black."

I smirked and felt some saliva conjure up in my mouth and spat in his face as I felt his grip tighten once more and he lifted me off the wall and slammed me hard right back against the wall, making my head bounce and pain spread through my skull.

"Too bad you're a bitch." He muttered, as he looked down the corridor and then smiled as his eyes met mine again. I noticed my vision was beginning to fade as his grip tightened even more around my windpipe and the pain from the back of my head spread, rather quickly, making my head feel rather hot. "Too bad you'll never see another -"

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