Chapter 12

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"Wishing isn't foolish Draco, wishing is being human, is being a true Wizard or Witch. Do you know how many Muggles wish they were us...wish that people like us existed?"

I couldn't help, but smile when her voice rang through my head once more. Within one sentence, of our first real, actual conversation, she had calmed all my nerves. I never looked at Nicole like this before, she had to have done something different with her hair, body...something.

I was going to say that I wished she had been sorted into Slytherin, considering that was our first conversation, she was a Gryffindor and I a Slytherin and it wasn't a fight. It was rather relaxing. That's one of the reasons when I was reminded about the whole Gryffindor and Slytherin thing, my mind waved it away, because she had had a such an affect on me right off the bat.

"Draco." stated a voice from the door, I looked up, finishing the last cage to see two figures enter the room, then two more entered the room after them. They closed the door and I heard it click, which indicated it was locked.

The four of them stepped into the light and I saw it was Elena, Blasie, Derrick and Amy.

Amy? I shook my head and stopped myself from asking.

"Yes?" I stated as I finished stacking the cages up and pulled myself onto a desk and looked at the four that I would be working with this year.

Derrick Goyle, the one I forgot to bring to your attention, its Goyle's cousin, he is also one of the newest deatheaters and his role is basically like Elena's, to make sure nothing goes south.

Which by their faces, things had already started that way.

"Whats this with Black?" asked Elena, as I rolled my eyes at her and then it flooded my mind;

"Then, I think we can both agree to stay out of each others missions." I stated grabbing my bag and sliding it over my shoulder and attempting to leave, but she caught me by the wrist. "What is El-" I was cut off my my best mates cousin lips being slammed upon mine.

My eyes then drifted over to Blasie, who was now moving his way over to me and pulling himself onto the desk beside me and faced the group as well.

"Whats what with Black?" I questioned, shrugging. "I'm only doing what I'm told to do -"

"- looked like a hell of a lot more than just your fucking job." she spat, getting in my face.

I finally let it out, "Are you fucking jealous?"

"Yes." giggled Blasie from my right as I realized he was giggling at Elena's face.

"I'm sorry Elena, but I'm am only doing my job." I said, sliding off the desk. "Now, what exactly is your - " she cut me off by shoving me back into the desk.

"I know about my own mission, I know about your mission, I know about Amys, Blasies, Derricks and Pansys! I'm not fucking stupid Malfoy!?" Elena gasped, as I noticed Amy shaking her head and pulling her away from me.

Shes probably just taking her frustration out on you, because she doesn't know exactly how you felt about that kiss earlier... is that the thought that crossed my mind as Amy just calmed Elena down and I saw the look on Amy's face.

"So, what is this thing with Black...?" questioned Blasie as Derrick stepped into the spot that Elena was just present in.

"Well, I have to keep my reputation in tact this year, right? I mean, if I don't..." I started sliding off the desk and Blasie followed my action and the three of us, guys, started toward the door. "...people will definitely start talking..." I started to open the door, but it creaked, once more, ajar. I rose and eyebrow at it.

"What?" questioned Derrick, looking at the door.

"Must be this door...second time its done that..." and with that we left Amy and Elena to bake in the situation of the moment, but before we left I saw Amy patting her back, but as soon as we left I heard a huge BOOM from inside.

"Its Elena..." muttered Derrick, as we three returned to the Slytherin common room.

I was left alone to go up to my dorm to thinking of nothing, but two people.



A/N : Sorry its short, but as you can tell, things are finally moving forward and things may get heated and intense between the three main girls...find out...

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