Chapter 49

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" know i love you right?" questioned Ron, sliding some hair out of my face and sliding it behind my ear. I blushed at the gesture as i nodded with a grin.

"Of course i do, whats wrong?" I asked, rising an eyebrow with concern. "What happened?"

Ron shrugged and sighed as he made his way around me and moved to lock the door and then suddenly rose his wand to point directly to my forehead.

"Ronald!?" I gasped, throwing my hands up in defence and stumbling back onto his bed and i quickly strambled to pull myself to my feet. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What am i doing?" He repeated, making me tilt my head in confusion. "I'm doing the world a favor."

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean -?" I started, but Ron interrupted me, but blinking rapidly and then speak.

" - You're possessed by Voldemort, Amy!" He shouted, and made me jump and collide into the stone wall. "Once Elena explained everything, i knew what i had to do."

"Ron, you don't under - " she started, as he muttered something and i felt a blood curling, heart stopping, pain shoot through my veins. I collasped to my knees and i felt tears begin to stream down my face as a scream escaped my lips.

Suddenly everything went black, and it was as if i was looking through the windows of another person. Windows, being eyes, but the fact wasn't me.

"You fucking fool!" called his voice, as the pain suddenly stopped and i was now floating once more. "You can't destroy her, she has a job to do...that i'm about to finish."

"Amy?" came Elena's voice through the door. "Listen, we heard you were in there with Ron, we need to talk."

"Elena!" shouted Ron, as i saw his wand go flying across the room and saw his body go flying against the wall. "Help!"

"Oh hell no!" gasped Nicole's voice as i watched as a green blast shot the door off the doorway and across the floor. "You bastard, not again!" she shouted, stepping forward, as i watched my own arm rise with my wand in hand.

"Amy!" gasped Elena, as i glanced over and saw she was helping Ron up off the floor, apparently when my eyes drifted off of him and onto Nicole, the power released him. "Fight him, i know you're stronger than - "

Voldemort's voice erupted through my mouth as i felt my head being forced to shake in a 'no' manner. I frowned and began to fight even harder.

" - Even you know, Amy is weak - " He was cut off as i managed to break through.

" - Send a spell at me!" I managed to scream, before he broke through again and shook his head.

"Miss Parkinson, why isn't Miss Black's head on my wall yet?" He asked, not moving  his arm and aiming his wand even more at Nicole. "Should i just take care of it now?"

"Why?" gasped Nicole, glaring up at him.

"Thats for another ti - " He started, but we were both flung back from Nicole's quick spell and wand skills and i managed to scramble through and take me back.

"Amy...?" gasped Elena as she and Nicole both, took their places on either side of me as i rubbed my head in pain. "Are"

"Yes." I nodded and glared over at Ron. "You have some serious explaining to - what the hell are you doing?!" I screamed as Nicole eyed my bracelet, then snatch it and scraping it off my wrist and rose to her feet and began to walk away to the center of the room.

I rose to protest, but Elena held me down.

"What the fuck is going on -?" I started, but i watched as Nicole pointed her wand at it and muttering something. I watched as my bracelet explode into a ring of fire and then fall to the ground in ashes. " - What did you do that for?"

"Thats what hes been using to get to you," explained Nicole as she reapproached me and helped Elena help me to my feet. "up here." she said, pointing at her own head.

I nodded and beamed at the tiny pile of ashes as the subject was moved.

"Wait, does this mean he can't get to her anymore - ?" started Ron, but i automatically drew my wand and plastered him against the wall. "- whao! What the hell Amy?"

"What the hell Amy?" I chuckled, pressing my wand deeper into his throat.

"Amy!" gasped Elena, rising an eyebrow as Nicole just threw a small grin at the sight. "What exactly whas he doing or attempting to do to you, before we came along?"

"Rape you?" suggested Nicole.

"God No!' gasped myself and Ron in unison.

"Then what?" smirked Elena as i noticed Nicole's wand was now directed to Ron, and so was Elena's. "Obviously it was bad."

"You take her side?" gasped Ron, trying to catch his breath as he starred at the three wands in his face.

"Why wouldn't we?" questioned Nicole, smirking down at Ron.

"He tried to kill me." I stated, dropping my wand, making both of my mates look at me wide eyed, as did Ron. "He isn't worth it."

"Why the hell not!?" screamed Nicole, lowering her wand now, and moving towards me as Elena shrugged and dropped her wand as well.

"Lucky bastard!" she whispered as she moved to Nicole's side.

"He thought it was the right thing to do...he knew i was possessed by Dark Dorkie." I giggled, with the odd name i made for Voldemort so randomly. Elena and Nicole smirked over at Ron and then back at me, which caused me to sigh. "So, what was it you two wanted?"

"To destroy the bracelet and explain it to you." stated Elena, glaring over at Ron.

"You touch her, or even think of doing something you fucking back!" Nicole spat, slapping Ron in the back of the head before storming out, and Elena followed.

Ron took a few steps forward and eyed his dorm door.

I grinned, trying to guess what he had to say about his sudden limitation to privacy.

"So much for sex." He smirked, as we both burst into a fit of giggles. "I'm sorry...really - " I held up a hand to silence him, and i shook my head.

" - don't say it, prove it." i winked, pulling him into a kiss, but was abruptly interrupted by an overgrown sound of explosion. "SON OF A BITCH!"

"Amy!" called Nicole as she ran back to the doorway, beckoning me to follow. "We gotta go!"

"Listen," I nodded at Nicole and pulled Ron into a hug and whispered as gently as i could and as calmly as i could. "I love you...with all my heart, if things go south, just remember that my heart will be there to sip." I winked, hoping he would get the reference as i bolted over Nicole.

"What the hell El, i thought they were attacking tomorrow -" shouted Nicole, suddenly stopping, causing Elena and myself to stop as well.

"- what?" gasped Elena, as we looked around and began moving, very quickly with our wands drawn.

" - thats where Draco and Blasie went." she stated, as i saw both of their faces drop. My heart sunk for them.

"Why did they lie to us?" screamed Nicole as another explosion erupted around the castle.

"I guess we can't trust anyone, but each other!" shouted Elena as we heard blood curling screams begin to fill the corridors. "We have to stick to -"

" - what about the plan we made?" I screamed, feeling fear creep through my heart, into my chest and into head. Seeing the lifeless bodies of Nicole, Elena, Draco, Blasie and Ron, made me frown.

"Fuck that plan!" spat Nicole, looking around furiously, sending up a spell in a deatheater's direction that was approaching. "If they hurt you..." she said, looking at both of us, smiling slightly. "...i'll kill every one of those son of a bitches."

"Right." Elena and myself nodded in unison as we began moving toward Dumbledore's office and we were a triangle of spells going down the corridor.

Saving as many students as we could.

Saving each other as much as we could.

The battle had begun...

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