Chapter 37

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"Do you really have to leave...?" i moaned, as he pulled me inot his arms and i lazily flung myself into his arms, letting him hold me as i pretended to faint. "I don't want you to leave." I whispered as Draco, leaned down and began to nibble on my colarbone.

That triggered me to giggle out and snatch myself out of his grip, it tickled. I giggled as he laughed and pulled me back into him as we glanced over to see Amy start to clean up our mess and Nicole and Blasie was a few yards away from us, saying their goodbye.

"I'm so glad they finally got together." I smiled, as i caught Draco's eye, and it wasn't a happy one. "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." He muttered, looking away from our best mates. "Just don't want to leave you...again..."

"...well, to spend a tad bit more time could tell me who is the new person on Black's assignment?" I asked, sparkling my eyes up into his. 

"Why do you have to know this?" He asked, rather rudely.

"Draco, she is my best mate, i'm suppose to protect -" I started, but he interrupted me.

" - protect who? Black, whose side are you on Elena?" He asked, almost shouting, but i glanced over to notice no one had heard him, so i slide him a little deeper into the feild so we were completely out of earshot. 

"Draco, what has gotten into you?" I asked, stepping back from him a tad. 

"Me? What has gotten into you? You got branded, promised your loyality and you pull this...?" He said, questionably as he glanced over my shoulder at Voldemort's target, laughing with Blasie.

"Draco, i joined because," I swallowed hard, not wanting to actually tell Draco, he was the reason i let him brand me. I couldn't help, but feel if i was to tell him then i would feel even smaller that i already did. He was questioning my loyalites to the darkest wizard, well ever. He rose and eyebrow, so there was no denying he didn't hear me. "nevermind, the point is, i'm not exactly full heartedly in this you know?"

"Neither am i." He said, more calmly as he crossed his arms. "I can't tell you who the new person is on her misson."

"Why the hell not?" I gasped, almost pissed right off the bat.

"Are you just with me for fucking information El?" He asked, finally swinging his arms out, as if he wanted a hug, but it was out of frustration this time.

"What?" I sighed, in shock, crossing my arms this time. "Are you serious?"

"Well, Elena, you've done nothing but ask me for information sense we began going you even -" He started, but i clashed my lips against his, i was kissing him rather roughly, because of my frustration, anger and annoyance with this newly formed situation. "- okay!" He said, clamly.

"You're the only one i want..." I whispered, as i pulled him into a hug. "...i'm sorry if it seemed i was just with you for information, its really not the just seem to be more in the loop than me..." I sighed, looking up into his face.

Draco shrugged with nodd and smiled. "I can understand that. The Malfoys are alot closer to the dark lord than the Zambini's are." He smiled even more when he leaned in and kissed my lips as softly as he could. "Now, what happened with uh...?" He questioned, pointing in Amy's direction.

When my eyes landed on Amy, i noticed Blasie was gone already and Nicole was walking Amy inside. I sighed and shrugged as i turned back to Draco with a grin. "Ronald issues."

"They were all over each other at the fire..?" He said, rising an eyebrow at the situation. "You know, Weasley isn't really that bad..for a blood traitor..."

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