Chapter 53

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A jingle noise flowed through my ears as i felt gravity pull on my legs. I gently began to kick on my legs to find i was hanging, and by the restraint of my arms, i was probably hanging by my wrists.

"Nicole..." whimpered a familar voice, as some jingling sounded around the room once more. I could hear their voice crack as i heard sniffling. "...please..."

"Elena...?" I asked, gently feeling my eyes struggle to open, but once they did i saw Elena was hanging off the wall across from me, she had her head down until my voice reached her ears and her head sprung up and a smile wsa plastered over her face. "What the hell happened? Where are we - ?"

"- why aren't you dead?" giggled Elena, as i rose an eyebrow at her oddly. "I know that sounds really really bad, but i need to know."

"My hearts not stop beating yet..." I said, rising an eyebrow, not knowing exactly what she as talking about. "...what the hell is wrong with you El?"

Elena rose an eyebrow as I watched tears drip off her chin and i frowned at her. I didn't understand why she was so sad to see me alive.

Or was she happy to see me alive?

Probably the ladder.

Anyway, the last i remember was being knocked out by something, and it knocked me off of Bellatrix, and i remembered something else, my head began to sting as the memory flowed into my head;

I rose to my feet, shaking my head. Attempting to shake away the pain of the headache beginning in the back of my head.

I rose my eyes and they landed on Bellatrix and a figure that looked like Amy.

"Amy?" I whispered, seeing both of their heads snap at me, and thats when i seen the figure wasn't Amy, it was Pansy.

"Amy!" called Bellatrix, as she flicked her wand in my direction and i let out a blood curling scream, feeling as if someone was stabbing every inch of my body with needles. When she finally let up, i took in a breath, but it didn't last long, because she flicked her wand once more.

Thats when more pain shot through my body, this time it felt as if someone was sqeezing my throat, with all their might. Another blood curling scream escaped from my mouth and i fell to the ground once more at this point, when Bellatrix withdrew her wand once more.

I felt so weak, so dead.

"Yes?" came a familar voice from in front of me, and when my eyes rose and landed on that familar face of Amy's and she drew wher wand and a green flash headed in my direction. Another blood curling scream shot out of my mouth as the memory faded...

"Amy!" I spat, as i opened my eyes and looked around. "Did Amy do this to me - ?"

"- yes!" whimpered Elena. "I thought you were dead, and obviously they thought you were too...i watched them drag you in here and hang you up. Something went wrong Nicole."

"What went wrong?" I asked, struggling against the chains, and glanced up at her. I could see her shaking her head. "What is it El?"

"I have no fucking clue Nicole, but i know whatever the reason is that you didn't get killed by that curse, is the reason they'll try to kill you again." she whimpered, struggling against her own chains. "We need to get out of here."

"No kidding." I stated, and looked around to see we were in a wale-type place. It was a circular chamber and Elena and I were only feet from each other, so i was pretty sure that we could figure out a way to get out of here.

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