Chapter 24

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A/N : So, after writing this chapter the first time, I realized that it wasn't I hope me adding what I added helps this story even cooler than it already is :D're welcome BeautifulySimple :D

"Care to dance?" asked Harry, right as I returned to Elena's side, who was standing there, holding a punch cup.

"Really?" I whispered as Harry tugged me away into the crowd of dancing students. "Did Ron not tell you about him asking me to this thing?" I asked him, once the music started.

'He did." nodded Harry, looking around as if he was looking for someone else. "Where is Black?"

"What the hell does it matter?" asked Amy, shoving him away slightly, but Harry just made it out to be a spin and I landed right back into his arms. "What the hell is it with you lately Harry?"

"Look, Ron seems to have a thing for Hermione. Ginny seems to want nothing to do with me, so I'm just trying to - " He started, but Amy shoved him before he could finish his sentence and it just so happen to be into Ginny. " - what the hell Amy?"

"I'm not something you just use to get Gingers attention. Fuck off!" I spat, and started to walk off, but ran right into the one and only red head for me, Ronald! "Oh, hey Ron!"

"You've been around Nicole and Elena too much." He smiled, looking over to see Harry straightening himself up. "Sorry about him, did you save me a dance?"

"I could've, or you could just steal someone else's dance, no big deal." I smiled, I could feel myself blushing as he took my hand and lead me away from the Harry scene and lead me out of the Party, with my eyebrows up, he held up an index finger to indicate he wasn't done, for me to wait. I just shrugged and let me lead me out to the Lake side. I just smiled. "Whats this?"

"Our dance." He simply stated as he wrapped his arms around my waste and I just smiled as he gently began to rock side to side and he let me wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. "So, how long for you?" he asked.

"How long what?" I asked, my voice was a little muffled, considering my face was in his shoulder and we were slowly dancing on the lake shore, at night.

I can tell you another thing, my heart was going a thousand miles a minute.

"Have you had feelings for me...?" He asked.

"Over two years I know for sure," I said, after pondering for a few moments. "what about you?"

"Sense around first year." He shrugged.

I shoved him away playfully and grinned, "Why didn't you tell me? How did you find out about me anyway?"

"A little Black bird have me a hint." He winked as he climbed up on top of a boulder and pulled me up as well. "Don't be mad at her, I asked and she just hinted at it. She is a good friend, you know that?"

"Yeah." I nodded, looking out across the lake, watching the moon dance on the surface.

"Why did you ask Harry to Hogsmeade?" He asked, and I could hear in his voice that his heart ached for an answer. He was sort of, almost, broken because of this fact.

I hung my head, I was hoping he wouldn't ask that question. I honestly wanted to tell him the truth about how I was a deatheater, how my mission was to get close to Harry in order to distract him. That would make him hate me, forever. I couldn't do that, not that now I have his attention.

"Stupid." I shrugged, hoping he would buy it. Thankfully, he did and I was relieved at that point. He wouldn't like me very much anymore if he knew I was on the 'dark side' if you will. Not trying to drag Star Wars in all this, although it would be pretty cool, except it would be called something like;

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