Chapter 18

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I stomped into the entrance hall, and I felt my emotions getting the best of me, for once, and my knees got weak and I felt my feet give out, I felt myself slam itself against the wall and I slide down and starred at my knees. I could feel my tears streaming down my face.

I had just lost my best mate, the only one that kept me 'alive' through all this shit.

It was because of that day I ease dropped on that conversation. If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be in this situation, but something told me that that was a lie. She had been acting odd before I found out, but the reason why I didn't come out and say that I knew, is because I figured our friendship was valued enough to not keep secrets from me.

Sure, I was doing the same, but she understood...that's the difference.

Amy was a deatheater.

Amy was trying to kill me.

Amy was trying to distract Harry, which had to have meant that the deatheaters were planning on doing something...within the castle.

I looked around and thought about what Dumbledore had said within my first few years here;

"Voldemort himself, not even his followers, they're called Deatheaters, could penetrate these one, but myself and some Professors can aparate in and out of these walls, so Hogwarts is the safest place on earth..."

My eyes widened, there had to have been someone...a younger deatheater, someone around Amy that is, doing order to get them in this castle.

Could it be...Draco? Is that why the MInister wanted me to get close to him...and not, Blasie...Derrick...Pansy...Elena...?

I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against my knees and let all the tears out and I felt my body struggle to breath.

"Nicole?" came a familiar voice, and I rose my gaze to see Elena.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked, rising to my feet, before she could bend down to talk to me. "Why are you all of a sudden so caring about Amy, about me?"

Elena grinned slightly, as she sighed as well.

"Look, I know that we never saw eye to eye, but Amy is just caught between this - " she started, but I shook my head.

" - this is so much bigger than this shit between me and you. I barley know you for crying out loud. I understand that you're getting closer to Amy, and I don't care about that. What I do care about is how you influence her!" I explained, trying to cover my ass from ease dropping. "Trying to get her to do her damn job!" My eyes went wide, I had said too much.

"What?" she gasped, grabbing my arm and flinging me into the bathroom with a wand to the throat as she locked the door. "How much do you know?"

"I know everything you bitch! Everything from Amy being sent in here to kill me, to the only reason why you joined the deatheaters!" I spat, shoving her off me and drawing my own wand.

Elena's eyes widened as we began to circle each other.

"So, you know about Amy's mission and her being a deatheater?" asked Elena, eyeing my wand as I eyed hers with a nod. "You know about my feelings for Draco? You know...everything?"

"Well," I grinned slightly, I felt as if I had her a corner. "I don't know anyone elses missions, which its obvious that there is more than one mission going on right now, just by what you just said, your body language says a lot too."

"Who the hell are you...?" she asked, gasping in amazement. "Part of the Order." I rose my eyebrows and titled my head slightly to the right, to mention that she was right.

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