Chapter 30

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"What do you think will happen?" I asked, as Elena shrugged and slung her eyes forward. Neither of us had really spoken sense we departed from Nicole and Fred. "I'm scared..."

Elena looked over at me as we entered a dim light room, only light by torches.

"Wait here." said the deep voiced deatheater, leaving us alone in this room.

"...I am too." Elena admitted as the both of us turned to see we weren't alone. There sat Draco, Blasie, Pansy, Crabb, Goyle and Derrick. "Hey."

"Hey!" smiled Draco, although it was a weak smile, he rose and greeted Elena was a friendly hug, and that made my eyebrow shoot up as I eyed him oddly, then my eyes landed on Blasie, who looked as if he was miles away.

"Amy!" came Pansy's voice, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you."

"For...?" I asked, looking at her oddly, and with a rise from one of her eyebrows, I nodded, understanding completely. She took my hand and lead me to the black leather couch and I sat between her and Blasie.

" is she...?" came Blasie's voice in a whisper from my right.

I looked over and grinned, "She is fine. At the moment, she is in Diagon Ally with - " I silenced myself and pretended I had to cough and left it at that.

Blasie's head snapped up and looked over at me. "With who?"

"Fred Weasley." chimed Elena from across the coffee table.

"Why?" he asked, glancing from his cousin to me.

"We had to think of someway to get to Diagon Ally, and he was the only one that is aloud to drive their car..." I shrugged, sort of shoving slightly a way from me. "'re not official are you?"

"Well, no." He said, suddenly calming down and looking down at his hands.

"Then why are you flipping out - ?" I started, as Pansy nudged me and leaned into my ear and whispered.

"He really likes her." she nodded.

I nodded as well, I completely understand that part.

"Miss Parkinson, both of you." came the deep voiced deatheater, he beckoned both myself and my cousin out of the room. With one glance back at Elena, I whimpered under my breath and took Pansy's hand.

I was terrified.

I wasn't interested in any of this to begin with, and I had to do what I had to do.

I took a deep breath as Pansy pulled me into a familiar room and we sat on the same side of the random table in the middle of the floor that I had sat at before the year began. I took another breath as the deatheater left us alone. It was a dark, and it seemed empty, but I didn't trust it.

"What is going to happen to us?" I asked, trying not to be or sound weak, but its kind of hard not to when you're dealing with these people.

"Who knows." shrugged Pansy as a door opened and a cloaked figure stepped into the room. He had his way to our table and flung a file on the table.

Oh god, this is just like those Law & Order episodes, but worse!

"I have to speak to both of you..." came Voldemort's voice. "...everything is about to be put on the table."

Pansy and I exchanged looks as he glared over at me.

"Miss Parkinson," He said sighing, picking up a piece of paper and then realizing that Pansy and I had the same last name, he specified. "Amy...your mission was to dispose of Miss Black. Sirius Black's daughter."

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