Chapter 41

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"Who knows, maybe her last dying wish was screaming out my name..."

I clinched my fists as that thought made itself at home in my mind. My eyes found Draco comforting Elena, who was glancing from the door, that was blocking the scene of the Professors working on Amy, and then over in my direction, with a sad type of expression.

"Nicole," came Blasie's voice, as he wrapped his arms aroudn me, i just took one of this hands and began to paly with his fingers, depressingly.

Was this my fault?

Amy was almost killed, or was she already dead? I shook away that thought as my thoughts continued thinking, if i hadn't tackled her, she wouldn't have hit her head, causing her to get the hell knocked out of her.

I slammed my eyes shut, remembeing how her wrists looked, and how much blood was all over the compartment.

Voldemort, had definately gone too far this time.

Way to fucking far!

"You do know," sighed Blasie, as i placed my head on his shoulder. "this wasn't your fault -?"

" - Then whose at fault?" I questioned, rather loudly, getting the attention of the other three sitting in our little waiting room. Draco and Elena looked up with concern. Ron, however, just glared back up from his knees, he had been starring at for a while. "If it wasn't for me, being Voldy's target, for some god foresaken reason, Amy woudln't be in harms way -"

"- So, this is your fucking fault?" came a shaky, anger, voice as a new figure entered the room, making the rest of us look in their direciton. There stood Pansy. "I knew it was you, he was after, but you're the fucking reason my cousin is in the Hosptial Wing?"

"Pansy -" started Blasie, rising to his feet, attempting to push Pansy away from me, as she started approaching me.

" - No Blasie! She is the reason my cousin is in the position shes in, the reason she is going to die. The reason for her own pathetic death!" Pansy spat, literally to my meet as she stepped into my face.

I could smell everything from her shampoo to her lip gloss, which wasn't that pleasent of a smell. She was so lucky, i wasn't in the mood to kick her ass right now.

"Hold up!" gasped Ron, getting to his feet, making some eyes shoot in his direction, all eyes, but mine and Pansy's. "You're the reason Amy is going through all this shit with Voldemort - ?"

Without breaking our glare, Pansy nodded with a smirk.

I noticed, by this point, Elena and Draco had gotten to their feet and was now approaching the ambush that was about to occur. I had yet to let my gaze leave Pansy though, i wasn't about to back down from a Slytherin, let alone her.

"- You!" Ron gasped, shaking his head and giggling slightly. He was so angry at this new informaiton, he was histarical. "Harry was right, there is NO TRUSTING YOU!!" Ron went to lunge forward to attack me, but Blasie slide between myself and Ron and began to shove me away, and i noticed Pansy stumbled back, because of Ron's body knocking into her. I noticed Draco was helping as well, pulling him away from me.

Without thinking, in defense mode,i drew my wand, seeing Ron wiggle free from their grip and attempt to attack me again, but froze when he realized i had my wand pointed directly to his chest.

"I'll do it too, don't fucking test me Weasley!" I smirked, as Pansy began to giggle silently and then as if reality snapped back into her mind, she growled.

" - you crazy ass bitch!" started Pansy, with yet another attempt to attack me, but she suddenly froze and backed up, and i realized my wand wasn't the only one drawn.

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