Chapter 31

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"Zambinis!" came that same deatheater.

My eyes shot to Blasie, I was terrified, if not more than Amy. I had more on my shoulders. I was within the bloodline of the Zambinis, they're a notch under the Malfoys, and Parkinsons...well, they were down there. I sighed, as Blasie took my hand and we walked into the room and watched as Voldemort was fixing his cloak and we heard a door slam in the distance.

"Zambinis, sit." He smirk, making us jolt slightly with his hand pointing at our seats and we did as we were told. I picked up my chair and watched as Blasie picked up his.

It looked like there was a struggle, and that made me very nervous. Amy was nervous as it was, and if there was a struggle, something most of happened to her, and Pansy...or Pansy, I hope its Pansy.

I shrugged at the thought as Voldemort took the chair across from us.

"I hope you'll be easier to work with that the previous two." He muttered, moving some papers around on the table. I watched his hands move across them and found my gaze drifting up to his face then over to my cousin, who had done this before, and he was just starring down at the table. "Now, you two really don't have missions, am I correct?"

'Yes sir." we nodded in unison.

"Blasie, you're to help Draco. Elena, you're to help Amy." He stated, as if he was stating it for his own good. "I will be blunt with you two, alright?" He asked, as we nodded slightly. "Elena, whatever you have with Mister Malfoy, drop it! You know how he is with girls..." and once this was said, I glanced at Blasie, who just shook his head, every so slightly. I knew that this point, was a time to keep my mouth shut. "... another thing, is he needs to stay you understand me?"

"Yes." I nodded, and stayed silent.

I mean sure, us Slytherins, us deatheater, are tough and all outside this building, but around this guy. We're just as weak as everyone else when it comes to a powerful wizard.

One of the best things to do, in this situation, is to just keep your mouth shut.

"Blasie, as for your thing for Miss Black. She isn't going to be around long enough for you to get anything started anyway," He sighed, as I realized Blasie's eyes rose and they connected with Voldemorts, and I knew that wasn't a good idea. "Do you have a protest Mister Zambini?"

"No." Blasie stated, and his gaze dropped. I glared over at him and kept my mouth shut, once more.

"Alright, and I just got word that you," He said, turning to me. "are staying at the Weasleys."

"Yes sir." I nodded, ashamed that this information was brought up.

"You know what to far Amy goes, and Potter and Black goes. You know, it would just be easier," He said, as he rose to leave. "to just drop a muggle bomb on the house while Potter and Black are alone." and with that he was gone.

I punched Blasie in the shoulder as we arrived out in the allyway to see Amy's face pale as death. She looked as if she had saw a ghost.

"What the hell was that for?" He gasped as I opened my mouth to say something and that's when Amy's face caught my attention.

"Whats wrong with you - ?" I started, but Blasie interrupted me.

" - what was that for?" He screamed, shoving me, a little.

"You didn't even fight for Nicole." I spat, as I caught Amy's face drop even more than before. "I know I didn't fight for Draco, but I expected it from you." I shoved him once more.

"Whatever." He spat and stomped off and I turned to Amy, who was now in tears.

"Whats wrong Amy?" I asked, as she flung herself into my arms and I could feel her tears soaking my shirt. "What happened...where is Pansy?" I feared the worst.

"She went back in," she sniffed as she whipped some tears away. "I didn't fight for Nicole either."

"Amy - " I started, but Amy continued.

"- No Elena! Nicole is our best mate, and possibly Blasie's future love and no one fought for her!?" She gasped, shoving me away slightly. I rose and eyebrow, all this shoving was understandable, but annoying. "Not to mention, I asked about my mother."

"You what?" I asked, looking at her in eyes, realizing she had been crying before Blasie and I came out.

"I thought I heard her voice...." she whimpered, as I stretched my arm around her and sighed.

"...come on, lets head back to The Burrow..." and with that we found Nicole, in a total different mood and she had puffy eyes, as if she had been crying as well. I went to question it, but Fred returned from wherever he had been, and we all started back to the Burrow.

I could tell none of us were the same.

Amy had her cousin's life on her mind, and her best mates as well.

I had Draco's life on my mind, and Nicole's as well.

Nicole, I had no clue what had happened, but whatever it was, it was bad. She doesn't cry, or at least from what I seen anyway.

We all entered the Burrow, and disappeared into our room and sat in silence.

We weren't the same at all...we had to talk.

I spilt what happened in my meeting, then Amy pipped in and told what happened in hers.

Nicole's eyes were wide and I couldn't tell if they were of fear, disappointment or anger.

She was silent, as a matter a fact, she didn't speak a word for the rest of the night.

This made both myself and Amy nervous, she was never like this. If she had something to say she would say it, and to get away from all that drama and awkwardness, I wrote a letter to Draco, explaining everything;

...I wanted to say that I miss you too, and I don't know if its smart to continue this, please write me back soon..

- E

I sighed as I glanced over at my mates, Nicole sitting against her headboard of her bed and her chin against her knees, starring at the brick wall across form her bed. Amy, reading and writing some things down in a notebook. I sighed, and attached it to an owl and let It go.

We will survive this mess, we have to, we just have to...

A/N : Sorry this is shorter than the other chapters, I may add more, but for now i'll leave you with this. The girls are going through some rough patches and you'll find out A LOT more in Chapter 32 (: Keep reading!

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