Chapter 17

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"Why don't you go with Ron -"

I shook my head at that voice, Nicole's voice. She had been acting odd lately anyway, but -

"Get started on your mission, now would be the perfect time."

I shivered at that voice, I knew that voice too well. I felt my left arm start to tingle and I frowned down at my mark. Apparently it was time to step up with my mission, Harry's part anyway.

My feet carried me to the Quiddich Pitch, where the Gryffindors were practicing for their match against the Hufflepuffs tomorrow. I found myself leaning against the wall of the tunnel and watched as the brooms flew all over the place. I grinned up at Ron, as a Keeper?

That's when it hit me, this was tryouts and practice. My eyebrow rose when I heard a familiar giggle, there flew Nicole, she had apparently went to the tryouts and made the team. She was obviously a Chaser, considering all the Quffles she kept throwing at Ron, he was missing.

I grinned at that, but that's when Harry flew by Ron and high-fived Nicole, and I frowned as my left arm began to tingle once more. I shoved my feelings for Ronald out of the way and the fact that Nicole didn't tell me she was one of the new Chasers on the Gryffindor teams, I would deal with that later.

"Hiya Harry!" I greeted, with a flirty smile. The most flirty smile I could conjure up. He smiled over at me and waved as well as I waved him over. "The Hogsmeade trip isn't for another week, but I was wondering if you had anyone you were going with?"

Harry rose and eyebrow and glanced around, obviously to make sure I was actually talking to him. I caught Nicole, out of the corner of my eye, landing and climbing off her broom and watching me closely.

She had to have known something of some sort.

"No, I don't have anyone to go you?" He asked, grinning. Something pulled on my heart when he smiled, that wasn't a good sign. I couldn't find Harry attractive could it? "Judging by your silence, you have no one...mind going with me?"

"You...want to go with me?" I gulped, beginning to sweat slightly.

"Isn't that the question I beat you to...isn't that what you were going to ask me?" he giggled, revealing his white teeth and a gorgeous smile.

"Sure." I shrugged, playing it off as I was just being me. I was rather random at some times, but this time it truly caught me off guard. "Meet me in the entrance hall around four?"

"Yeah! See you then!" smiled Harry, waving at someone behind me.

I turned to see my best mate, and my crush. Both with low expressions. I waved at Ron, as if there was nothing wrong.

It was important to make it seem like I didn't like him, that my intentions were on Harry, it was the only way to distract him correctly. I made my way over to Nicole, who was eyeing me oddly.

"We need to talk -" I started, but Nicole pulled me into the girls locker room and slammed the door closed as I stumbled into the room. "- what the hell?"

"What?" gasped Nicole, grinning slightly as she began to change. "Was that too surprising and shocking for you?"

"What!?' I rose and eyebrow, getting nervous.

"Listen, this new thing you have with Elena...isn't exactly settling." explained Nicole, as she finished changing. Yeah, the silence between us for those few moments as she did change, was nerve racking. "I want you to do something for me Amy!"

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Tell me the truth, do you really like Harry or are you just doing it to get to Ron..?" she asked, stepping up to me and crossing her arms as well.

"I really do like Harry, I don't understand where this is coming - " I started, but Nicole put her hand up to me.

" - Look Amy, I'm not fucking stupid. I'm an Order agent, and I know how to investigate, don't make me do that. I know there is something up with you lately, every since you started hanging out with Zambini, and how is it after you start hanging out with a Slytherin, you start focusing your feelings on Potter -" it was my turn to interrupt her.

" - WHERE THE FUCK is this coming from?" I questioned, realizing I was being rather loud. "You're my best mate Nicole - " I started, but she interrupted me this time.

" - BULLSHIT!" she shouted, punching a locker. "If I was your fucking best mate, I wouldn't be as lost as I am now. You've been hooked on Weasley since day one of this shit. You need to stop FUCKING pretending and get your priorities straight." spat Nicole, stepping even closer to me.

"My priorities straight?" I asked, pointing to myself. "We've been tight sense first year. What makes you think that you're not my best mate anymore? What makes you think that a friendship with a Slytherin could corrupt me in that way?" I asked, as Nicole bit her lower lip and dropped her gaze, and I took this moment to my advantage. Usually when she does this, she'll let you speak your piece.

When Nicole didn't say anything else, I stepped forward.

"You tell me to get my priorities straight, when you have a date with Malfoy, but your flirt with Zambini...? You have your orders from the Order, and you seem to put that before your own feelings? You were the one that always said, that you didn't give two shits about that fucking Order, they were acting more like deatheaters anyway - " I was cut off.

" - Listen, you've liked Ron forever, but all of a sudden you like Harry? Do you not find that fishy?" she asked, rising an eyebrow.

I fell silent, and sighed. "Why didn't you tell me your were on the Quiddich -"

"- what the FUCK does it matter Amy? I'm trying to get through to you, but you keep flipping it back to me, what is GOING ON WITH YOU?" she asked, crossing her arms. "We use to be tight, but I don't even know what your favorite color is anymore...I know you're hiding something...I know for a fact you are, and with you not telling me...not letting me help you, is hurting me!" she said, pointing at herself. "That just tells me how much our friendship is actually valued to you."

I dropped my gaze.

This shit was tearing our friendship to shreds.

Should I just come clean?

Or keep myself, Elena, Draco, Blasie and Pansy safe?

"That's all I needed to know." she spat, and I saw tears streaming down her face as she shoved past me and went to leave, but what I had to say, stopped her.

"You know, you're not exactly the cleanest person here either...I don't know whats going on with the Order thing - " and I stopped myself and turned to her.

She had the door ajar, and turned to me. "- that's because I was sworn to keep my mouth shut about it all, if anyone was to know...I could get kicked out on the streets, right into the deatheaters hands...with you knowing as much as you do, I could get that thing anyway."  Nicole sighed.

"Look," I started, but Nicole was gone.

This shit was tearing us apart. Not only our feelings for those we really like...but our friendship...

What was I to do now?

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