Chapter 44

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"Ugh!" I screamed, slinging a random trashcan in the corridor into a wall. I felt my heart being torn in three different ways:

The betrayal of, what may or may not be, my family.

The fact the one person, I finally opened up to, lied to me.

The fact I got Amy and Elena into this.

I managed to convince myself that it wasn't exactly Amy's fault all that happened in the compartment and its no ones fault that all that information came out all at once in the waiting room.

I found myself alone in the Owlry, and I made my way to the ledge and dropped myself onto the ground to let my legs and feet dangle through the railings.

What was the next step?

Whatever Draco and them had planning, it was bound to come into affect any day now.


My eyebrows shot up, Elena wouldn't tell me what he's up to, and I know Draco isn't that stupid, so I would have to figure it out myself...

...after I'm done soaking in this new information.

I sat up there, by myself, for what seemed like forever.

No one came looking for me.

No one came to tell me anything about Amy...


Was she dead? Is that was this meant?

With this thought, I quickly made my way through the corridors, and burst through the doors to the Hospital Wong to find four figures.

Elena, Ron, Blaise and Amy.

"Nicole!" gasped Amy and Elena in unison, with overgrown smiles.

My eyes, automatically shifted over to Blaise's sleeping body.

Wait, he's sleeping?

My eyes shot the window to see it was pitch black outside, I had apparently been up there longer than I thought.

"Hey guys!" I greeted, joining them and that's when I was told what happened after I left, everything but the reason on Draco's absence and something else, i just couldn't put my finger on it..

"Amy, did you know about -?" i started, as she automatically began to shake her head in confusion. " - you don't know?"

"No, she doesn't." Elena spoke up as Ron rose out of his seat to meet the new figure that had entered the room. No one bothered to look up to see who it was, we just continued to speak. Elean noticed my questionable expression and began to explain the whole Voldemort mind control stuff.

"Makes sense." I shrugged, looking from Elena to Amy, who was huffed in frustration.

"Oh, and according to Blasie," Amy sighed, patting my shoulder as i went to protest in bringing him up in general. "you should do this Occlumency with us too."

"Why, exactly -?" I started, but Elena cut me off.

"- Well, Nicole. He cares for you, whether you believe me, Amy or him, himself, or not. He does." Elena nodded, looking across the bed at me, which made my expression fall. "He is worried for you. Just as Draco is for me, we're all in danger, we're caught in the cross fire and we should arm ourselves."

"So, Blasie wants me to do this, so they dont use me against him?" I questioned as Amy nodded and i noticed Elena's expression dropped slightly with that question being brought up. "Fine." I shrugged, feeling my head and heart colliding at this point.

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