Chapter 52

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"Parkinson!" came his dark cold voice as i rose from my seat and took one last look around the horrifying room of decorated walls. I slide through the door and made my way to the same table i was stuck at at the beginning of the summer. I placed my bottom in the seat for the overgrown door to open and in stepped Blasie, Draco and Pansy.

I rose an eyebrow as a flash of green filled the room, and there he stood.


"Hello Miss Parkinson." He smiled, sitting down in across from me. I shifted nervously, feeling my heart continue to break for what i had done. I couldn't believe it myself. "I would like to congratulate you on your attempt to eliminate Miss Black."

"Attempt?" gasped myself and a voice behind Voldemort, in unison. I knew it was probably Blasie.

"Yes, attempt." He smirked, casting a smirk over his shoulder and then his eyes landed on me. "You did use the right spell, you did." He nodded, rising to his feet as my eyes shot over at the trio, who looked relieved.

"Then what went wrong?" I asked, attempting to cover my happiness. I hadn't killed my best mate, but what really hit me hard was, i did use the right spell, she collapsed to the ground and wasn't moving at all. What did Nicole have up her sleeve?

"Its more like, what she has in her genes." He continued as he began to circle the table. "I wanted either you, Mister Zambini or myself to murder Miss Black, but when that spell didn't even work, we had to look further back. What we found, was both devastating and exciting."

"What is it, my Lord?" I questioned, as he was walking behind me and i shot a curious look at the trio, who all three looked just as clueless as i did.

"Her blood line...its not...Black." sighed Voldemort, waving his wand and three more chairs appeared and he waved the trio near the door to be seated around the table as well.

"Wait, what!?" gasped Blasie as i rose both eyebrows.

That didn't make any sense.

"Then who the hell is she?" spat Draco, as Pansy looked over at me, sadly.

"Miss Parkinson, why don't you tell them? You're the one that didn't speak up before hand anyway." smirked Voldemort, glancing from myself to Pansy.

"Pansy...what the hell did you find out?" I questioned, as Draco and Blasie looked from Voldemort to Pansy. "What have you been keeping from us?"

"She isn't a Black." sighed Pansy, playing with her fingers. "She isn't far from it, but she isn't exactly close either."

"What!?' shouted Blasie, slamming his fist on the table, but Draco nudged him for him to calm down and Voldemort shot him a curious look as he motioned for Pansy to continue.

She took another breath, and looked over at me.

"Pansy, spit it the fuck out." I spat, slightly shoving her. "This isn't some gossip topic at Hogwarts, this is a matter of life or death."

"Oh, it'll be death either way." smirked Voldemort, making me close my eyes and then open once more, as i took Pansy's hand comfortably.

"Pansy..." I sighed, pleading her with my eyes as she sighed and let go of my hand and looked around at the guys and then spoke up.

"Okay, i was following Nicole one day, at Hogwarts, and i found her in the library, working on a project." she took a breath as Voldemort motioned once more for her to continue. "She was biting her lower lip and playing with her quill, twirling it through her fingers."

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