Chapter 5

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"Elena!?" gasped Draco, as I made my way into the Slytherin common room, feeling my heart tugging silently in the opposite direction, for the red and gold, not the green and black. I took a deep breath when I finally realized who had called my name.

I spun back around to face the common room to see my cousin and his best mate waiting on me.

"Yes?" I rose and eyebrow, as I felt a pinch of a burning sensation on my left arm, I began to slightly scratch at it. "What?" I gasped, realizing his eyes were tracing every curve of my body.

"You've..." He started, as his jaw just planted the floor. "...grown well."

"I'm your age dork!" I smirked, shoving past him, but feeling my cheeks blush a dark shade of red, I tried to hide it as I joined my cousin on the couch.

"So, how did it go?" Draco questioned as he dropped himself into the couch across from myself and my cousin.

"I told her, and she understood. She was really shocked a Slytherin got into the Gryffindor tower." I mentioned, looking from one to the other.

"They tend to be." smirked Draco, nodding and then trailing off to stare into the fire.

"Well, I just wanted to wait up for you Elena, you're like a sister to me, you know that be honest-" He stopped in mid sentence, he had realized I was scratching at my arm.

"It tends to burn." shot Draco from across the coffee table.

Blasie's eyes widened as he jumped to his feet and grabbed my wrist and pulled, which triggered me to be slung up to my feet as well.

"What the fuck Elena?!" he gasped, shoving my sleeve up my arm, which made me flinch, considering it rubbed my new dark mark. "I had no fucking clue you had gotten this damn thing!? When!?" He was shouting and Draco and myself kept glancing around to make sure no one was around.

Believe it or not, most Slytherins are evil, but they never go to the extents that we did. If they were to know, there would be a panic.

Go figure.

"Mate, calm down!" started Draco, as Blasie rounded on him.

"You knew about this shit!?" He gasped, he had yet to let go of my arm, which was beginning to sting even more. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me?! We were suppose to be mates Malfoy!?"

"What the hell did you think she was doing, going to Parkinson in the Gryffindor tower? Having fucking tea!?' gasped Draco, in my defense.

Which made my face curl into a bright smile, which I shot at him, but he couldn't tell. He was too busy defending me against my cousin.

"What the hell ever!? I'm going to fucking bed!?' he shouted, slamming my arm out of his grip and with that he stomped up to his dorm and we jumped when we heard the door slamming shut.

"I had no clue what he thought I was doing." I added as Draco looked from the direction Blasie had just exited and then over to me with a shrug. There was a few moments of silence and I noticed Draco was making his way toward the boys dorm, I guess to go clam down Blasie. I sighed, and added. "She's scared."

He stopped in his tracks. He turned to me, and his face was pretty pale. He beckoned me toward the fireplace, we both made our way over to it and sat down to warm our faces.

"It will burn a little at first," He said, pointing at my arm. He sighed, "I know you're Blasie's cousin, just a few months younger than him, but he sees you like a know that..."

I nodded, "We grew up together, what do you expect?" I smirked, and remembered how our parents were so rude to us and we would go and play in the woods until the night forced us back to our homes. I also, remembered the deal that Voldemort made me, and that triggered our next topic. "Draco, I have to say something."

His eyes drifted from the fire to me. "What?"

"No matter what happens..." I started, placing my hand on his knee. "...I will do, what I need to in order for all this to go smoothly. We only have each other to trust, you, me and Blasie that is." He nodded as I continued. "I mean it though," I nodded eyeing him, making sure he was paying attention. "I will do anything, to make sure we all get out of this keep our minds on track and - " I was cut off by his lips clashing with my forehead. "- keeping our emotions in line."

"I understand," Draco nodded as he rose and my eyes followed him. "Blasie is suppose to do that too. I know the Zambinis long enough and well enough to trust you guys." with a sparkle from his eyes, he waved and disappeared up the stairs to the boys dorm.

I smiled after him, and made my gaze slide over from the stairs that lead to the boys dorms, over to the fire and glanced down at my watch.


I groaned, we had classes tomorrow and I wasn't even close to being sleepy, I lifted my gaze back to the fire and shivered at the memory of my encounter with the Dark Lord;

"Miss Zambini, our newest female Deatheater." he grinned as I shifted on the cushion I was on. I was sitting in the middle of our living room and here we was, the Dark Lord himself. I frowned slightly as he I realized the situation I was in.

I was forced to have this tattoo on me. I sighed and nodded as he continued.

"Now, you're Mister Blasie Zambini's little cousin, aren't you?" He questioned as I nodded once more. "Now, I have only two missions for you."

"Okay..." I started as he grinned at my attention.

"'re to make sure Miss Amy Parkinson goes through with her murder with this young woman..." he explained, shoving me a picture of her. I shivered as her image sprung a familiar nerve. "...and to make sure your cousin and Mister Malfoy go through with their missions, could you handle that? Your parents tell me you're the most trustworthy." He said rising and moving closer to me, he whipped out his wand and slapped it on my wrist. "We'll see about that." and with that I felt a streak of pain go shooting through my arm

I opened my eyes and I grabbed my arm once more.

"What the fuck?!" I gasped to myself as I rose and made my way up to my room. to at least get an hour or so of sleep. "Maybe." I muttered to myself, as I grabbed my arm, once more.

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