Chapter 32

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After breakfast that next morning, I made it a point to leave the Burrow to be alone for a while. I made my way through the field beside the household and I sat down within the tall blonde like grass. I had a lot go on yesterday, I saw the ghost of my father and my two supposed best mates, didn't even fight for me as far as Voldemort goes.

That's when it slowly slide its way into my head and I couldn't help, but ask it out loud;

"Why would Voldemort want me dead?"

I tilted my head at this question, it was a rather interesting and curious question, considering the only thing he would want to do is get rid of the youngest Order agent, but even in that, why would it be such a big deal? This is Voldemort we're talking about, there has to be another reason, something that connects me to him, or whatever he has up his sleeve.

I sighed and thought of my father Sirius.

How he had apologized about everything, he seemed pretty calm about it. That aggravated me, he was always looking out for Harry, not for his own daughter. That would explain why I wasn't notified of him, why he didn't take care of me. Why he never made it known to me, until I was deep into the Order, that he was my father.

I grinned as a memory came into my mind;

"Nicole!?" gasped Amy, slamming onto my bed, making me fly into the air and landing on the ground with a THUD!

"What!?' I gasped, shooting to my feet, ignoring the back pain.

"There is someone in the Forest that would like to talk to careful though..." She said, rising an eyebrow watching as pulled some clothes on. "...I'm not sure about it, but you know...he looks just like you..."

"impossible. My parents are dead, remember?" I asked as I waved her away and made my way through the castle and stopped right on the line between the grounds of Hogwarts and the Forbidden Forest. "Hello?"

"Nicole?" came a male voice, I peered through the branches and started forward, snapping twigs and glancing behind me to see if I was being followed. I slide my wand out as I realized it was snowing, so if I was murdered or kidnapped, they can follow my footsteps. "Nicole Bell?"

"That's my middle name...?" I rose an eyebrow as I stepped into the clearing to find a man, he looked dirty and crazy. That's the best way to describe it. "Who are you?"

He stood there, and starred. I realized then that his eyes looked familiar, his facial features were so similar to mine and his nose was mine. I just stood and starred back when he didn't respond.

"I'm Sirius Black." He nodded, finally after the silence laid to rest around us. "Do you know who I am?" He asked, as his eyes dropped and landed on my wand as I rose it. "You've heard the lies...obviously."

"Lies?" I questioned, eyeing him oddly. "You're after Harry aren't you?"

"No." He simply stated, stepping forward, but jerked to stop when I flicked my wand and a spell landed right in front of him, making snow fly up onto him. "I'm not after Harry, I'm here to tell him and you the truth."

"Me? What the hell do you want with me?" I asked, eyeing him oddly.

"Black..." He said, pointing to me then to himself. "...Black. Nicole I'm your father."

I shivered at that memory. It took me a while to actually believe him, I didn't believe him up until the Golden Trio, Amy and myself were in the shrieking shack and Lupin approved the information as true.

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