Chapter 7

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After about an hour of ackward stares between myself, Amy and this Elena girl, who seemed to know a lot about our subject for our project.


I rolled my eyes with another smart crack she and Amy exchanged, it was like they already knew each other, it was as if Elena had already rubbed off on Amy and turned her into a Slytherin and outnumbered me.

With the wave of the Professor for us to dismiss, I bid them both goodbye and exited out of the room, but Amy caught up to me rather quickly talking about our subject.

We had to write four research papers, make a poster board and have a presentation prepared by the end of the year. That professor was rather lazy with the year-long assignments, and to make everything even more odd.

It was Professor Snape this year, go figure.

"Whats wrong Nicole?" questioned Amy finally taking a breath after explaining what Elena was explaining to her in class. "Anything?"

"You two seem like you've met before..." I said, looking from in front of us to her. "...have you?"

"No." giggled Amy. "She is just a nice Slytherin is all." she shrugged.

I just nodded with a fake smile, something didn't sit right with me with Amy this year, or that Elena girl. I shrugged it off, Amy was my best mate she would never get into anything dark or evil would she?

"Well I'm off to Potions, catch you later." and with that Amy disappeared into the sea students. I rolled my eyes at her cheerfulness and marched off towards Muggle Studies.

I plopped down, realizing there was only one other Gryffindor in the entire class I actually liked or came into contact with, Harry Potter, he was sitting at the front, talking to the Professor, who looked different somehow.

"Well, hello there." smiled a voice from my left. I turned to see him again.

"Hello Malfoy." I greeted, being the Gryffindor I am, I can be rude or nice. It all depends on the person. I grinned slightly at his smirk that played into the grin. "Why are sitting beside me?" I asked, pulling out my book and hanging my bag over the back of my chair.

Draco shrugged, "I wanted to." He looked as if he was pondering something, but at the same time he looked as if he was looking at a new toy on Christmas morning.

"What?!" I gasped, noticing he was starring.

"Nothing." He said, turning form me and slamming his book on the desk as well. "Did, you do something with your hair?"

You're playing with fire Malfoy. was the thought that crossed my mind as my lips curled into a smile without my body's command. I didn't know where the hell it came from, although I never hated Draco, or really disliked him, he was always head to head with the Golden Trio, never me nor Amy, we just kind of rolled with it.

"No...I just stopped straightening it..." I shrugged, trying to keep my answer simple and quick. I found myself trying not to look stupid, at all. I didn't understand this response.

I guess it was that feeling you get when you haven't been to school in while and that guy that you swore you would never date or find attractive suddenly got datable and attractive and you're entire body and mind is just focused on looking cool.

I shrugged at is as the rest of the class slide through the door. Blasie sat on the other side of Draco, with the tables being two seated, he sat across the isle with Pansy Parkinson.

The class began and the Professor gave an assignment, as you can tell Hogwarts isn't as exciting as everyone cracks it up to be. With a roll of my eyes, I began to the assignment, but didn't get very far. I was distracted by a nudge and a slight giggle.

I looked over to my left to see Draco, nudging me with his elbow, and a folded piece of parchment was under it. He was trying to be secretive about it, but it wasn't working.

I smiled a this attempt and rose and eyebrow as I slide it in front of me, over my assign to make it look like I was still working. I figured it was more clever than the nudge-slide move he had just attempted. I unfolded it and my eyes widened at his handwriting.

Seriously, whats different?

I grinned as I glanced over at him, he was doing his work, but I noticed he kept glancing over at me. I shook my head at the silliness of my actions, because without thinking I scribbled something and slide it back to him;

seriously, why are you interested?

I just continued my assignment as the Professor continued to circle the room and I heard a sneeze across the room, which made the class all look up to see Harry flush red. I rolled my eyes at him and groaned slightly.

Our meeting this morning was rather annoying, ever sense he found out about me, he was on me like that all the fucking. time.

This time, I heard the paper slide and I slide it back in front of me and unfolded it once more;

What makes you think I'm interested?

I opened my mouth and felt my cheeks flush red, I glanced over at him as he suddenly shot his gaze down at his paper, as if he had been caught, and to my surprise, he was...we were caught.

"What is this?" questioned the Professor snatching the paper out from in front of me. I pressed my hand across my forehead in attempt to shield my face from the starring and whispering faces. That was when I noticed, Harry wasn't the only one I knew in there.

There sat Elena Zambini in front of me, who was glaring at me as if I had killed her best mate. I rose and eye brow as the Professor began to read the notes out loud.

"Who were you righting back and forth to Miss Black?" He questioned, looking down at me as Draco made the mistake of glancing up. "Mister Malfoy? Well, this is surprising, even more when you two have to spend Detention together this Friday night and Saturday night." with that he crumbled up the note and threw it away and wrote both of us a slip to remind us about our Detention session.

After class, I stormed out and made it to an empty hallway, and I flung my books and bag against the wall. I had never gotten Detention and who knew what Lupin or the Order would do when he found out.

I honestly thought that the Order was getting more and more like the Deatheaters.

Speaking of Deatheaters, I was suppose to get close to Malfoy.

One of the youngest Deatheaters, and that was one of my chances. That's when my eyes widened at my idea.

I could get close to Draco like that, as a girlfriend or lover...that's what hes attracted to right?

Hot girls?


Emotionless Passion?

I grinned at my idea, it was perfect. Now, just to let it play into view.

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