Chapter 14

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"What was that about?" asked Elena, turning back to me as I was standing there, still petrified. "Are you okay?" she attempted to poke my shoulder, but I grabbed her wrist and lead her to the nearest classroom, to find no one was present. "What the hell?"

"I don't think I can do this..." I whimpered, placing a hand on my forehead and breathing heavily. "...we shouldn't have tried the ferret thing, that was an obviously point that it was me."

"Amy, you have got to chill. The only way you're going to get through this, is not to freaking out." Elena attempted to explain as I backed away from her, finding my eyes darting from one corner to the other corner of the room. "Amy!?"

"Chill?" I questioned, finding my vision fading to a red blur. "Don't freak out?"

"Parkinson..?" whimpered Elena, as her eyes went wide as I gripped the nearest desk and flipped it, making a huge thud noise. "AMY!?"

"What!?" I screamed back, stepping forward to her. "I almost killed my best mate - "

"- that's your FUCKING JOB!?" She shouted back, shoving me against the wall. "Look, Voldy assigned me to you, because he knew you were weak -"

"- weak!?" I screamed, feeling my veins boil and I shoved Elena back. "I'm not fucking weak. I'm not meant for this shit!"

"Obviously you are, or he wouldn't have branded you!?" Elena pointed out, trying to make a point, but nothing was working.

Yes, my assignment was to murder Nicole Black, because she was under suspicion of working for the Order and she would attempt to stop Draco from his mission. Apparently Voldemort assigned Elena to help me out, the only thing was, I couldn't do it.

I loved Nicole way too much, and here Elena was trying to calm me down so I would still go through with it.

"You don't understand this..." I finally whimpered, throwing a chair across the room and dropping my knees. I felt tears streaming down my face. " parents -" I heaved in a breath as Elena dropped to her knees as well and placed her hand on my shoulder. "- were murdered by a deatheater."

Elena's eyes went wide.

"I was branded because I'm living with my cousin, Pansy, and their entire side of the family is on his side. Its the only way I could've survived...." I whimpered, feeling my entire body struggle for breath. For some odd reason, Nicole's moment when her father was murdered flowed into my mind. "...I had to...I had no choice -"

" - if you were forced into this...why didn't you tell me...?" asked Elena, as I whipped some tears away and looked up at her. "Well?"

"Because you were branded out of choice." I stated. "Nicole..." I sighed, debating to say this next sentence, with Elena being on his side, it was difficult to tell whether I could trust her or not. "...can I trust you?"

Elena's eyes went wide as she backed away slightly and rose to her feet. I followed her action, and eyed her oddly.

"What?" I asked, looking at her odd.

"No one has ever asked me that question before, is all." she shrugged, looking conflicted. She shook her head and attempted to breathe right again. "You wanna know why I joined...?"

I rose and eyebrow, this was about to turn into an even more interesting conversation.

"Draco." she stated, with a slight smile.

"Draco?" I repeated, stepping a little further forward as I heard a knock on the door. No doubt it was a Professor, due to the loud sounds coming from the room. "We've got to get out of here..." I muttered, as she nodded glancing from the door back to me.

"Wait, we can't." she said, pulling me back as she shoved me into a closet and sliding in herself and left the closet ajar as the door was flung open. "Too late." she whispered.

"What the hell is going on in here!?" gasped Snape, looking around, but noticing no one was around and three figures walked in after him and I could feel my eyes widen when I saw who it was.

Draco, Blasie and Derrick.

This was about to get even more interesting.

A/N : WHAOOO!!!! I probably made that too obvious, but you know what? There are still all this stuff going on, that is just now coming out and so much to cover from this point on. Please, stick with the story and I promise you won't be disappointed (:

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