Chapter 55

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"Parkinsons! I'm ashamed of you," said a voice from within the line of deatheaters, making both Pansy ans myself glance at each other. "Your mother raised you better than that, and when I say mother I mean both yours and - oh, wait, Amy doesn't have a mother to speak of," Said the voice as I felt myself straighten back up as did Pansy as we waited for the source of the voice to show itself.

I gripped my wand as tightly as I could, but it still didn't feel tight enough.

"that might be - scratch that - is my fault isn't it?" smirked the voice and finally two destheaters slide out of the way to reveal Snape.

"Snape!?" gasped myself and Pansy together.

"No!" Pansy shouted, shaking her head and lowering it.

"No, not can't be you - Why!?" I screamed, feeling some tears that hadn't surfaced in months, coming to their peak.

"I did what I had to do." He stated and I frowned at his statement.

"That's a pathetic answer, you son of a bitch!" I screamed, throwing a spell in his direction, but he blocked it.

So the battle began, Pansy ans myself verses not six, but seven deatheaters.

I got hit with about five spells, about the sixth time the same spell attempted to hit me, I blocked it and sent a spell into the ground that knocked most of the deatheaters off their feet.

"Nice!" smiled Pansy, high giving me.

"Thanks! Look out!" I shouted, slamming her to the ground and before I could block it, the red spell slammed into my right arm.

This caused me to let out a blood curling scream, as I felt the spell burn itself deep into my skin.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Screamed Pansy, dropping by my side and I could physically see and feel the pain hissing back up at me. Our eyes rose to see Miss Parkinson standing there. "Mom!? Why!?"

"Family first." she simply shrugged.

"This IS family!" Pansy screamed back, standing up. "Amy has went through hell and high water to keep me, YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER, alive and to keep this family from going under with the dark lord and you turn around and so this? YOU ABOUT HIT ME!"

"Sweety, that's the point. If you dumb ass cousin wouldn't have gotten in the way, you wouldn't have to worry about all that." she said, too calmly.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!?" screamed Pansy, as I struggled to my feet.

"Don't you know by now Pansy, you can't trust anyone around here...and its becoming more and more clear by the minutes going by." I smirked, glaring over at Miss Parkinson. "You calk yourself a mother? You just tried to kill your OWN DAUGHTER and for what? For him? No, family had that part right, but you sure has hell have your head screwed on wrong." I spat, raising my wand at her. air could feel the pain in my arm drowning my strength and my balance.

"Amy..." called Pansy, from my left, as my eyes never left my Aunt. "...I can't let you do this."

My eyes flickered over at my cousin, to see her wand now pointed at me. I glanced over at her mother to see her wand was nose up as well.

"What the hell Pansy? I give my life for yours and this is how you repay me?" I asked, glaring over at her.

"Don't you see Amy, she is my daughter and she is loyal." stated Miss Parkinson. "Oh, and before you should know the truth..."

"...Don't tell her..." Snape's muffled voice said from a few feet to my right.

"...she has a right to know!" Spat Miss Parkinson and her eyes shot over me grimly as she spoke. "Shape didn't kill your mother and father...I did."

"What!?' gasped myself and Pansy...again...together.

"Yes. I killed my own sister and her husband." She sighed with a smile. "Want to know why?"

"Do I?" I found myself asking, glaring at my parents' murderer.

"Because, they were getting a divorce." She simply stated and I felt my heart drop and my mind bend.

"W-What?" was all I could manage to say.

"Yes, they were getting a divorce, because your mother cheated on your father." She explained as Pansy ans I exchanged looks and I saw her begin to lower her wand as her mother continued. "She cheated on her husband, your father, with my husband."

"Okay, Ew!" smirked Pansy.

"Don't you see, even though I understood, I was still angry and betrayed." She went on.

I just stood there, waiting on the right moment to kill this bitch.

"Understood? How -?" started Pansy as her mother spoke as if she didn't hear her daughter.

"Back in Hogwarts, we were in love with the same man. Two very different reasons, but the same man...and with our families being the way they were, we had arranged marriages. I was overjoyed when he was my pick. Your mother on the other hand...not so much, now don't get your mother wrong she Sid love her husband, but that spark the two of them had....never died." She said, as I noticed her hand began to shake as she finished up her explanation.

"Your father, was weak so he deserved death. I see where you get it from, but I don't regret it." She spat shaking her head.

"And father, why didn't you kill father?" asked Pansy, as my eyes flickered over at her, to realize her attention was now on her mother, fully.

"Now why fight for the trophy if you can't show it off." Miss Parkinson smiled as I smirked.

"That's just sick." I stated then flung a green spell right into this woman's chest, and watched her lifeless body fall to the ground.

"Amy!?' screamed Pansy, dashing to her mother's side. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?"

"Do I really need to answer?" I questioned, watching Pansy rise and then, once again, rose her wand ans pointed it directly at me. "Again?"

"You murdered my mum, now its your turn!" Pansy sobbed, sniffing some snot up her nose and watched as tears streamed down her face.

"Pansy, she murdered both of m parents! Did you honestly, expect me to sit here and do nothing?"

Pansy stood in silence. Wand at the ready.

"Pansy if you do this, I'll have to defend myself and we both know who better at dueling." I said, still struggling to keep my composure from the pain pricking my nerves.

Pansy just blinked back tears as I felt some of my own boil to the rim.

We both jumped when we heard a scream from upstairs, that sounded like Elena.

The jump triggered Pansy to throw a spell at me, which made me dodge it and when I threw a spell at her, I froze.

I watched her lifeless body, fall right beside her mother and guilt washed over me almost immediately

I killed my Aunt.

I killed my cousin.

Your Aunt killed your parents.

Your cousin was about to kill you.

I frowned, ans slowly began to make way up the stairs to find the others.

There was no time for tears, I had to find everyone and get the hell out of here and to a safe house.

I whipped the tears that I was fighting so hard to keep inside.

I broke my own heart.

My family's dead. All, but my Uncle, who was surely going to come after me.

Oh shit!

"Amy!" gasped a voice, in a low whisper, ans I almost fell out in the floor when I looked around a corner to see the happiest sight.

Elena and Draco.

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