Chapter 56

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"So, beautiful..." echoed a voice that pricked a familiar nerve as I felt my body spring back to conciseness.

I felt my hands were tied together, very tightly and my arms were over my head. I wiggled my feet to feel for some solid ground, but failed.

I attempted to open my eyes, only to see nothing, but black. Although, as my eyes adjusted to the rook, I realized I was peering through some sort of black cloth.

I was blindfolded and hanging over, god knows what.

"Whose there?" I questioned, attempting to look through the blind fold, but no luck.

" mysterious..." came that same voice, that made me shiver with disgust, that's when one name flew across my mind, right as he spoke again. " feisty too, god I love girls like that. Tell me, how did you ever end up having feelings for my boy? That's what stumps me!"

"Like its any of your fucking business Zambini!" I smirked, then spat on the ground. "Why are you doing this..?" I nodded up and down at my own figure to indicate my point in the subject.

"Simple." he simply stated, with saying anything else.

"Simple? What in the hell is simple?" I smirked and when I heard footsteps and a hand struggling against my blindfold, I prepared my eyes for the light of the room.

When the blindfold was off, my eyes automatically looked down, to see only the wooden floorboards of the room. My eyes traveled back to the width of the room to see it was a normal bedroom, with a room sized rug, a queen sized bed, some door that was ajar, that no doubt lead to the closet or bathroom.

"Simple, Malfoy has your friend, our little traiter, and I have you. We're waiting for the others to come and out you both back where you belong, in that cellar." He explained and I watched as his eyes flickered from me to the doorway and grinned. "Although, you know we have some unfinished business to attend to, don't you?" He questioned making his way over to the door.

"What ate you talking about?" I asked, rather calmly, and I felt a familiar prick of fear poke at my instincts, but with a tiny grin behind my pokerface, I remembered one thing form my training:

Always stay calm.

"Look, I know this connection that you have, with my son..." He said, ans a click rang around the room indicating he had locked the door. "...and I don't understand it."

"Okay?" I said, rising an eyebrow, eyeing suspiciously.

"You're the reason he started acting funny a little be Christmas. You're the reason he disappeared around Christmas. That necklace around your neck, was the reason some of my money disappeared." He said and began to circle me. "You're the reason he barley payed attention at our meetings! You're the fucking sorry excuse for a woman that managed to catch and keep my son's attention so much, his work for the Dark Lord is slipping, he isn't who he use to be." He said, stopping in front of me and leaning forward. "You're the reasons for our fights, I try to get him back on track, but no he refuses."

At this point he was inches from my face ans I just cringed at his breathing.

"Okay." I stated.

"Okay? Okay!?" He shouted, flipping something shiny out of his pocket. My eyes flickered over the object, but I didn't get a good enough look at it to determine what it was. I knew exactly what was when it was plunged into my stomach.

A blood curling choke came out of my mouth as my eyes when wide.

"Son of a bitch!" I gasped, and held my breath as Zambini took my face in his hands and puckered my lips with his fingers. I could feel my insides squeezing around the knife as he held it in place.

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