Chapter 43

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After about 20 minutes of mine less talk and questions, Pansy left and that's when my curiosity sparked, I could barley recall what happened, and I needed answers.

"El," I asked, looking from Ron to Elena, then watching Blaise take another glass full of potion as the nurse finished bandaging up his head. "what happened?"

"He pissed off Nicole -" Elena started, but I shook my head, knowing she misunderstood my question.

"- No," I said waving Blaise away. "in the compartment."

"Oh," sighed Elena, looking from Blaise to Ron and then gazing at me. She seemed actually conflicted about what to tell me.

This made me nervous.

"Elena, just tell me." I pushed, looking from the guys to Elena. "What the fuck happened..." I asked, looking down at my wrists for the first time since I woke up, and my eyes widened and I felt my heart begin to beat faster and faster. "....why is my wrists so cut up?" I began to whimper as Elena and Ron attempted to calm me down.

"Amy, you need to go see Snape with me, once my first visit comes up..." nodded Elena, patting my leg. " need to get control of your mind back."

I blinked at her as she took me through the events that happened in the compartment, but Blaise cleared his throat before she could get into what happened to cause Nicole and Draco to not be here, and why Nicole put Blaise in the Hospital Wing.

My heart dropped when I let what happened in the compartment settle in.

"Okay, well -" I sighed, annoyed I wasn't being informed fully. "- what happened with Nicole? Why isn't she here? Why is Blaise jn the Hospital Wing, with a head injury? How did he piss Nicole off? Did he - or did I?"

Elena frowned as she and Ron exchanged looks.

"What the fuck happened in that waiting room?" I blinked from one to the other.

"Baby, I think Elena is right," He said, sliding into the bed beside me and wrapping his arms around me. "you need to visit Snape, and master that...that...mind...stuff that -"

"- Occlumency!" nodded Elena, in a annoyed tone. " It helps you block him from your mind."

"And you're doing it because...?" I started, then smirked. "Why do I have do this, exactly?"

"Draco asked me to get lessons so he don't use me against Malfoy, you need it so we can trust you....again..." Elena spoke slowly with those last few words, and judging by her expression, I knew she had said to much.

"Trust me? You guys don't trust me?" I questioned, shoving Ron off the bed. "Why can't I know exactly what was said or done, in that waiting room?"

"Because HE HAS CONTROL OVER YOU!" Elena shouted making me jump. "Until you master Occlumency, I'm sorry to say this, but your trust is questionable." Elena explained, shrugging. "I'm sorry."

"You need Nicole in on that." came Blaise's voice as Ron rose from making a seat for himself on the floor to take a bowl from the nurse and offered it to me as I shook my head at him as I listened to this new conversation between Elena and Blaise.

"Why exactly?" Elena asked, eyeing him. "Just because you fucked -" she started, but Blaise interrupted her.

I noticed Ron began to help himself to the bowl of food I refused, and he was slurping rather loudly.

"-ITS NOT BECAUSE..." Blaise lowered his voice and looked around as he grabbed his head, obviously making it hurt even more by yelling. "....its not because I fucked up, its because if he can get into her mind, imagine what he could do to Nicole."

"You know, even though I barley have a clue at what's exactly going on, Head Trauma Guy has a point." I nodded, and I noticed I was being rather cool about me not being knowing some things.

"Okay then, we'll find Nicole after Amy heals up and we'll do the lessons." nodded Elena, crossing her arms.

"Draco and I will talk to Snape and see what we can figure out." nodded Blaise as Elena and myself nodded.

"Well, I hate to break it took you guys," started Ron, rising from the chair he had lowered himself into, making everyone look at him. "but the shit is already starting..."

"What do you mean?" I asked, leaning forward, as if i could see it better.

"My soup says 'oooooo'" smirked Ron, showing Elena the bowl.

"Its Cheerios Ronald." smirked back Elena, shoving the bowl back into Ron's hands.

"Sometimes, I wonder about you mate..." sighed Blaise, shaking his head.

I couldn't help, but feel pretty low though.

Because of what happened in the compartment and whatever happened in the waiting room, my own friends couldn't trust me, and that's what we needed more than anything.


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