Chapter 8

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"What was that?" questioned Elena, as she lead the way and myself and her cousin, Blasie, followed her into the common room.

"What was what?" I asked, looking at her as if she was amusing. She was puffy, red and I could tell she was frustrated with something.

"That shit you pulled with Black." she spat, stepping into my face.

"Are know?" gasped Blasie, making the both of us look over at him. "Never mind, I'm going to my next class, you two work this shit out." He shot a look at Elena, he was still pretty pissed that she was a Deatheater and no one told him, until it kind of slapped him in the face the other night.

Elena turned her attention from her exiting cousin, back on me.

"What is your problem Elena? You said you would do anything to make this mission fall through right?" I questioned, throwing my bag on the couch and sitting down. She just stood there in silence, which meant yes. "I'm just having some fun, this won't turn out - " I stopped, why was I explaining myself to her? "- why am I explaining myself to you?"

Elena just froze at the question, she just slowly dropped into the couch across from.

"You're not jealous are you?" I asked, as she shook her head, too quickly.

"No I'm not." she stated, looking as if she was hiding something, or holding something back. With Elena, you never could tell.

"Do you know something I don't?" I questioned, leaning forward to look at her more properly. "Elena?"

Her eyes darted around the room to avoid my eyes, her face flushed red as she started to play with her fingers. She looked as if she had a secret or two. Which made my lips play into a smirk.

"Look," she sighed into the conversation, looking as if it was the hardest thing he had ever done. "I'm just trying to make sure this year goes smoothly with everyone and you messing or even teasing Black is a bad idea, I'm telling you!" she explained waving her hands around, looking as if her heart was only half way in that statement.

I rose both of my eyebrows and shrugged, "Okay...I have my orders and you have yours, am I right?"

Elena just silently nodded.

I sighed, thinking this was probably going to hurt her feelings, but it had to be done. I have a reputation that needed to stay intact and two missions to fulfil, I cant have a speech from her every time I did something.

As she just agreed, she has her own mission and I was told she wasn't to breathe a word of it to anyone, but her partner, whom I'm assuming is the Gryffindor Parkinson.

"Then, I think we can both agree to stay out of each others missions." I stated grabbing my bag and sliding it over my shoulder and attempting to leave, but she caught me by the wrist. "What is El-" I was cut off my my best mates cousin lips being slammed upon mine.

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