Chapter 9

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My stomach was in my throat and my head was screaming while our lips danced for what seemed like hours, but in actuality it was a few moments. My heart longed for more.

My eyes fluttered open as I ended the kiss to realize I had moved from sitting on the couch to stand up, on my tip toes, and I had Draco's face in my hands.

I dropped my hands and stepped away then slowly turned away, I couldn't see what made me do that, I had wanted to do that for years, about five to be honest. I bit my lower lip as I took a deep breath and turned to see Draco still in the same position as he was in when I stopped the kiss.

"D-Draco?" I made my way forward, attempting to read him. I couldn't tell whether he enjoyed it or was disgusted, unfortunately I did t get to figure it out.

"ELENA!?" gasped Blasie from the common room entrance.

"BLASIE!?" gasped myself and Draco in unison. Draco threw his hands up and started to back away from me, which I felt pull a little on my heart as my gaze drifted from Draco to my, now even more, pissed off cousin.

"What the hell was that?" Blasie questioned, stepping between us, looking from one to the other. "I came to check to see if you two had made up, obviously a little too well."

"Blasie," I started, attempting to place my hand on his shoulder, but he flinched away, still glancing from me to Draco, "before you blow your top, you have to know, I kissed him..."

"Bullshit Elena, if anyone knows Draco, its me-" he spat rounding on Draco, and I just backed up a little more. "- you, keep your hands off, lips off and your penis out of her, you fucking understand me? Draco, I know how you are with girls, so do me a favor and have fun with your detention tomorrow night with Black alright and leave my cousin alone?!"

"Blasie." Draco stated, he smirked at his best mate and shot me an odd look and exited the common room. Obviously not knowing what to say.

"I told you, I kissed him!" I spat as the common room entrance closed and Blasie rounded back on me.

"I know, and the same goes for you, you and I know how he is with girls..." he explained as I grabbed my Slytherin bag and slide the strap over my shoulder. "...why would you throw yourself into that?"

I just looked at him, I felt that I understood what he was saying, but I felt anger as well, he had always pulled this shit when I made a move on a guy, just not this intense.

"I'm just trying to protect you within all this darkness." he explained as I past him, making my way to the entrance. "Elena..." he started but froze when I stopped at the entrance.

"I know you are, but I'm only a few months younger than you Blasie," I said turning and looking at him. "and I wish you would let me grow up." and with that I left him to stew in my of words.

A/N : I know, another short chapter, but trust me I've got a plan :D

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